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Statement from the Bush Institute on the Importance of Developing Young Leaders in Burma

April 11th, 2022  •  Author:   George W. Bush Presidential Center  •  2 minute read
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The Bush Institute welcomes the launch of US-ASEAN Business Council Institute’s Myanmar Scholarship Fund.

More than one year after the unlawful coup in Burma that disregarded the will of the people and overthrew the democratically elected civilian government, we at the George W. Bush Institute remain deeply saddened and concerned by the plight and suffering of the Burmese people.

Challenges to freedom in places like Burma remind us that what happens around the world matters to us here at home. Tyrants who trample the rights of their own people will not hesitate to trample those of their neighbors. They will spread violence, chaos, and corruption across sovereign borders and cyberspace.

That’s why it’s incumbent upon free societies to stand against the threat posed by authoritarian regimes. Governments, individual citizens, civil society, and businesses all have roles in supporting democracy worldwide. That commitment creates a more peaceful and prosperous world benefiting all of us.

Even though the situation in Burma may look dark now, the desire for liberty continues to burn. We must remain committed to supporting the brave Burmese people. At the Bush Institute, we have invested in developing young leaders in Burma, and we’re proud to see others like the US-ASEAN Business Council Institute (USABCI) doing the same.

USABCI’s Myanmar Scholarship Fund demonstrates the innovative approach that is needed to support the Burmese people today while also looking toward tomorrow. This program allows a new generation of Burmese youth to get a top tier education and develop the skills needed to lead.  It also demonstrates the crucial role of American engagement in uplifting those struggling for freedom.

And we remain confident that the fruits of such efforts will ultimately be the restoration of a free and democratic Burma.

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