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Violence Against or Obstruction of Health Care in Myanmar (23 February – 08 March 2022)

March 16th, 2022  •  Author:   Insecurity Insight  •  2 minute read
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On February 1, 2021, the Myanmar armed forces seized control of the country, following a general election that the National League for Democracy party won by a landslide. Since then, hundreds of people have been killed and many injured during nationwide Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) protests and violent crackdowns on those opposing the coup. Doctors and nurses have been served with warrants and arrests for providing medical care to protesters, health workers have been injured while providing care to protesters, ambulances have been destroyed, and health facilities have been raided. Below are eight incidents identified between 09-22 February 2022.

23 February-08 March 2022: Eight documented incidents

23 February 2022: In Kayah state, State Administration Council (SAC) aircraft dropped bombs on a village, injuring civilians, including a medic. Source: Facebook

24 February 2022: In Dawkamee village, Kayah state, two doctors of the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) were killed by SAC airstrikes that also destroyed six houses. Source: Radio Free Asia

27 February 2022: In Lo Bar Kho village, Demoso township, Kayah state, SAC aircraft dropped bombs near a clinic for displaced civilians. Source: The Irrawaddy

27 February 2022: In Ye-U township, Sagaing region, People’s Defence Force (PDF) fighters shelled a traditional medicine hospital occupied by SAC forces. Two SAC soldiers were reportedly killed in the attack. Source: Mizzima

27 February 2022: In Pakokku township and Region, a nurse and teacher affiliated with the CDM were arrested by SAC forces. Sources: AAPP and Twitter

03 March 2022: In Mindat township, Chin state, SAC forces continue to confiscate medication at checkpoints intended for displaced civilians. The blockade of medication into Mindat township has been documented since July 2021. Source: Ayeyarwaddy Times

04 March 2022: In Pyay township, Bago region, SAC forces arrested a nurse. Source: Twitter

05 March 2022: In Chaungma village, Kani township, Yinmabin district, Sagaing region, approximately 70 SAC forces set fire to the village, destroying a rural clinic as well as over twenty homes and farm equipment. Source: Khit Thit Media

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