Press Release 489 Views


January 22nd, 2022  •  Author:   Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia  •  2 minute read
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​Jakarta, 22 January 2021 – Upon Cambodia’s request, President Joko Widodo received a telephone call from Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen of the Kingdom of Cambodia on January 21st, 2022. The request for the call was for PM Hun Sen to update on the results of his visit to Myanmar.

During the conversation, the President of Indonesia conveyed among others the following:

  • Emphasized that ASEAN’s approach towards Myanmar should be based on agreed principles, particularly the Five-Point Consensus;
  • Regretted that the Myanmar military did not commit to implement the FivePoint Consensus during PM Hun Sen’s visit;
  • Reiterated that the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus shall not be linked with the Five Point Roadmap proposed by Myanmar’s military authority (State Administration Council).
  • The Myanmar military must provide access for the ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy to be able to immediately communicate with all concerned parties in Myanmar. This communication is essential to pave the way for an inclusive national dialogue.
  • As long as there is no significant progress in the implementation of the FivePoint Consensus, it is imperative for ASEAN to maintain the decision that Myanmar shall be represented at non-political level in any ASEAN meetings.

Responding to PM Hun Sen’s proposal to establish a Troika consisting of the Cambodian Foreign Minister/Special Envoy, Brunei’s Foreign Minister, and Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, with the support of the ASEAN Secretary General to monitor the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus, President Joko Widodo took note and suggested that the proposal be further discussed among ASEAN Foreign Ministers.

President Joko Widodo agreed to the proposal to establish a Consultative Meeting, consisting of the Special Envoy and the ASEAN Secretary General, the AHA Centre, the Myanmar authorities, as well as UN agencies to provide support for the distribution of humanitarian aid without discrimination.
Source : Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia

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