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Crimes Committed by the Terrorist Junta in December

January 5th, 2022  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  3 minute read
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January 5, 2022

Over eleven months since an illegitimate coup, the entire Burma struggles in the face of the military’s inhumanity. The armed wing of the junta is systematically stealing civilian properties, carrying out violent military operations, and committing widespread murder. This war of terror, perpetrated by the junta against civilians, is only getting worse.

On December 5, the armed wing of the Junta rammed a vehicle into a peaceful protest on Pan Pin Gyi Road in Kyeemyindaing Township, Yangon. Thereafter, opening fire and aggressively detaining demonstrators and bystanders, leading to several reported casualties. The military junta shamelessly claimed that they were simply dispersing unauthorized protests.

In Sagaing Region, there is strong opposition to the coup d’état. As a result, locals in the region are the victims of heinous junta crimes. In December, at least (18) locals were arrested and burnt to death. (2) of these victims were children, under 18 years old. Similarly, on December 25, in Moso village, Hpurso Township, Kayah State, over (30) bodies of innocent civilians, including children, were found dead in a vehicle. They had been burnt to death. Before the victims were killed, four members of the Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (Kalalata) met with junta troops to negotiate the release of these detained civilians. The four members were tied up and shot dead in the head. Moreover, several innocents are still missing in the incident of Moso village, Hpruso Township.

In December, the armed wing of the Junta deliberately committed arson attacks on civilians’ houses, buildings, and properties. There were at least (56) arson attacks and more than (650) houses were burnt down. This comes from data collection and monitoring by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, the true number is likely higher.

In December, (127) civilians across the country, were killed in junta’s targeted attacks. According to data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), this includes (61) victims were tortured to death, (5) women and (7) children, under 18 years old.

(309) civilians were detained by the junta between December 1 and 31. Of these, (68) were women, (15) children under the age of 18 and (18) hostages.

Across the country, the junta coup is targeting members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and ordinary civilians’ homes and properties are being sealed and unlawfully taken, if they are accused of being related to the National Unity Government or in connection with alleged PDF. In December, a total of (33) houses were seized.

Those who are unlawfully and arbitrarily detained, are also facing inhumane torture. On December 10, International Human Rights Day, civilians across the country staged a silent strike. Political prisoners held at Insein Prison partook. (89) prisoners who participated, were beaten with rubber batons and wire cables and kept in solitary confinement. Wai Yan Phyo Moe, one of those tortured following the silent strike, the Vice-Chairman of the All-Burma Federation of Student’ Unions, was sentenced on December 29 and also severely beaten again by criminal prisoners with support of prison authorities while he was being sent to prison cell. He is now in critical condition but is not receive proper medical care.

As with all our monthly chronology’s since the coup, it is but a summary of the numerous human rights violations committed by the armed wing of the Junta in its bid to induce a climate of fear across the country.

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners

Download link for English December Chronoology