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United Nations Security Council: Convene an Emergency Meeting to Address The Impending Crisis in Chin State and Northwestern Burma/Myanmar

October 25th, 2021  •  Author:   92 Chin Civil Society Organizations  •  4 minute read
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Date: 25 October 2021

We, the 92 undersigned organizations representing civil society across Chin State, Myanmar/Burma, and the Chin diaspora, call upon the UN Security Council to urgently convene a meeting on the escalating military attacks and troop build-up in Chin State, Sagaing Region and Magwe, North-Western Burma.

On Friday 22 October, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Tom Andrews told the General Assembly of the United Nations that the people in Chin State and North-West Burma/Myanmar were on the eve of yet another catastrophe, “there is global responsibility to address this crisis, and it is insufficient to pass it off to those who lack the will or the capacity to take the requisite action, particularly given the scope of the atrocities that are ongoing.”

The statement is available here

Under “Operation Anawratha” six new Light Infantry Divisions have been sent to Chin State using the two main highways, organized in two columns from the south to Matupi Tactical Command Headquarters, and to the Tactical Command 2 Headquarters in Hakha from Monywa via Kalaymyo in Sagaing, adding to the existing six Light Infantry Battalions and one Light Infantry Division (LID 66) currently stationed in Chin State.

“Fighter jets have been patrolling the skies in both southern and northern Chin State in the last three weeks. Operation Anawrahta reflects an invasion to re-establish strategic dominance in Western Burma as the monsoon season comes to a close. In the last few days soldiers moving through Falam Township have already burned 3 villages to the ground and also set Churches ablaze,” said Salai Za Uk Ling of the Chin Human Rights Organisation.

Last Thursday, Christine Schraner Burgener, the outgoing U.N. special envoy on Myanmar signaled that time was running out in Myanmar “the opportunity to help put Myanmar back on the path to democracy, democratic reform, is narrowing and therefore I urge the member states to act.”

As a penholder on Burma at the UN Security Council, the main responsibility for convening a meeting falls to the British government. We call upon Liz Truss MP, Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, to convene an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.

For more information please contact:
[email protected]
Tel: +95 9259169234/+91 8731046827

Undersigned by:

1.      Asho University Students Association (AUSA)

2.      Alliance of Chin Refugee(ACR)

3.      Australia Chin Federation (ACF)

4.      Australia Chin Communities Council (ACCC)

5.      Bangkok Chin University Student Fellowship

6.      CDM Supporter Team (Hakha)

7.      Center of Development and Ethnic Studies (CDES

8.      Cherry Foundation (Yangon), Burma/Myanmar

9.      Chin Christian Council in Australia (CCCA)

10.  Chin Community of Western Australia

11.  Central Chin Youth Organization (CCYO)

12.  Chin Civil Society Network (CCSN)

13.  Chin Refugee Committee (CRC)

14.  Chin Education Initiative

15.  Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO)

16.  Chin Humanitarian Assistance Team Rakhine State (CHAT)

17.  Chin Community in Norway (CCN)

18.  Chin Refugee Committee (Delhi)

19.  Chin Student Union of Myanmar

20.  Chin Student Union – Pakokku

21.  Chin Student Union – Kalay

22.  Chin Literature and Culture Committee (Universities of Yangon)

23.  Chin University Student Fellowship – Paletwa

24.  Chin University Students in Rakhine State (CUSRS)

25.  Chin Women Organization (CWO)

26.  Chin Women’s Development Organization (CWDO)

27.  Chin Youth Organization of North America (CYONA)

28.  Dai Community Malaysia (DAI)

29.  Dai International Organization

30.  Dai Community Yangon

31.  Falam Refugee Organization (FRO)

32.  Falam Phunsang Tlawngta Pawlkom

33.  Fidi Foundation (Hakha)

34.  Hakha Campaign for Justice

35.  Hakha University Student Organization (HUSO)

36.  Kanpetlet University Student Organization

37.  Mindat People Administration (Chin State)

38.  Mindat University Student Union

39.  Mizo Student Fellowship

40.  Tedim Youth Association (TYA)

41.  Thantlang Revolutionary Campaigner

42.  Thantlang University Student Organization (TUSO)

43.  Thantlang Youth Association (TYA)

44.  Zomi Association of Malaysia (ZAM)

45.  Zomi Federal Union (ZFU)

46.  Zomi Siamsin Kipawlna – Myanmar

47.  Anonymous (46 Myanmar based organizations from the Chin community requested anonymity in support of the statement)

View the original.