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AAPP Statement on Re-Arrested Political Prisoners Since Junta Announced “Amnesty”

October 21st, 2021  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  2 minute read
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October 21, 2021

Since the military February 1, 2021, coup the junta has been brutally cracking down, arbitrary detaining thousands, relentlessly torturing, and ruthlessly killing civilians against an illegitimate coup attempt. Most of the political prisoners are mentally and physically tortured, and do not even have access to a fair trial.

The military junta released some political detainees on October 18, 2021, with the promise of retrospective sentences. It was never an absolute amnesty for political detainees. However, some were even released then cynically re-arrested as soon as they arrived home. Some others were told they were on the released list, taken to the jail entrance, only to be taken back to prison in the face of additional charges.

These actions, of re-arresting soon after supposed released, having met with family for some hours or even arriving at jail gates only to be taken back to prison, are a form of physical and mental torture, not only to the political detainees, but their families.

According to AAPP documentation, 110 political prisoners were re-arrested soon after release since 18 October’s announcement. And yet, there will be more arrests as some are in hiding or have been in lost contact. The hope is for every detainee to be released. These re-arrests destroy this desire. It is clear, the military junta is targeting the mental wellbeing of not only the political prisoners, but their children and family members.

We, AAPP, condemn these cruel acts committed by the military junta. We also urge the immediate release of Burma’s elected President, State Counsellor, and all political detainees. AAPP will continue our efforts against the military perpetrated arbitrary detentions, torture, and barbaric killing. Yet we urge the international community to put further pressure on this illegitimate junta group.

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners – Burma

Burmese version.

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