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HRC48 Oral Statement on Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

September 22nd, 2021  •  Author:   Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development  •  2 minute read
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48th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council

Item 4: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar 

Delivered by Khin Ohmar of Progressive Voice

On behalf of Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)

22 September 2021

Madam President, Special Rapporteur,

The people of Myanmar have been pushed beyond the breaking point by the military junta’s continuous atrocities. Since the attempted coup, the junta has killed at least 1,114 and arrested 8,289 people. At least 6,637, including children, are still in detention, with many subjected to torture.

The junta continues to respond to the nationwide resistance with unimaginable cruelty and violence, inflicting countless human suffering on the people of Myanmar. It continues to escalate and expand military offensives in Chin, Kachin, Karen, Karenni and Mon States and in Magway and Sagaing Regions, deliberately and indiscriminately targeting civilians. It is blocking and destroying aid, attacking aid workers, setting villages on fire, looting, destroying properties, conducting mass killings and using people as human shields and forced labourers. In July, the junta killed at least 43 villagers in four mass killings in Sagaing Region.

In Mon State, on 3 September, the junta soldiers shot and killed Ei Thwe Moe and her unborn child, and severely injured her husband Puu Day. In Kachin State, the ruthless Infantry Battalian 58 stationed near Waingmaw Township, continues to kill civilians indiscriminately. In Central Myanmar, the junta burned and destroyed essential supplies donated to villagers in Kin Ma village in Magway Region. As recent as on September 18, in Chin state, the junta shot dead a Christian pastor, cut off finger and looted his wedding ring as it burned at least 19 houses in Thantlang Township and shot indiscriminately at civilians, forcing most residents to flee.

For nearly eight months the people of Myanmar have bravely resisted the military’s merciless violence while the international community has stood by and watched with no concrete action. These atrocities, that amount to crimes against humanity, are enabled by many states, especially those in the UN Security Council, that continue to prevent action to hold the military to account. Coordinated actions, including global arms embargo, targeted sanctions, and the referral of Myanmar to the ICC, are essential to stop further bloodshed and prevent a nationwide civil war in Myanmar.

Thank you.

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