Press Release 452 Views


August 17th, 2021  •  Author:   Burma Campaign UK  •  2 minute read
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As the UN Security Council prepares for a meeting today on the crisis in Burma, Burma Campaign UK is joining calls for the UN Secretary General António Guterres to personally spearhead the United Nations response.

The UN Security Council meeting is being held as Burma is in the grip of a third wave of the Covid pandemic, exacerbated by both military incompetence and by the military weaponising Covid as a tool for trying to secure its rule.

On 23rd July, 443 civil society organisations in Burma wrote to António Guterres calling on him to personally spearhead the United Nations response to the Covid-19 pandemic in Burma, including an end to military hostilities against the population.

“With the UN Security Council blocked by Russia and China from taking action, the UN Special Envoy ignored by the military, and no-one seriously believing ASEAN will be effective at achieving any significant breakthrough, the UN Secretary General taking personal leadership is the only credible option left for action,” said Anna Roberts, Executive Director of Burma Campaign UK.

It will be much harder for the military to ignore requests from the UN Secretary General to visit Burma than it is to turn down the UN Envoy. António Guterres will also be able to speak personally with world leaders to support him in his efforts.

“Burma doesn’t need the United Nations to hold more meetings and issue more statements, it needs practical action,” said Anna Roberts. “It’s time António Guterres gets on a plane, goes to Burma and starts using his office to address the humanitarian and human rights crisis in the country.”

Burma Campaign UK will be campaigning for António Guterres to take personal leadership on the crisis in Burma, in support of voices on the ground calling on him to take action.

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