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August 16th, 2021  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  13 minute read
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Information in the above map is for the month of July only.

Kachin State

Hpakant Township

July 1 at 1045 hrs., ten 81mm mortar rounds fired from Nam Ya Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) (12) Base to the sides of Hkrai Run, Gawlu Yang gold mining area, in Hpakant Township. At 1625 hrs., Burma army soldiers from Kamaing Byuha Base (Tactical Base) indiscriminately fired a mortar round toward Dam.

July 2 at 1450 hrs., Nam Ya LIB (12) fired 18 82mm mortar rounds to the side of Head of Gawlu Yang village, in Hpakant Township.

July 2 at 2:50 p.m., Nam Ya LIB (12) fired mortar rounds indiscriminately and one of the grenades landed on a compound in the home of Deacon Hpukawn Ze Naw, Kumtsai Zup village. For that, the soldiers of the Burmese army from the Nam Ya base sent 100,000 kyats to the family in whose yard a shell was landed – through Mr. Gum Maw Awng and his friends, but the family did not accept the money and told them instead not to fire mortars into the village next time, in Hpakant Township.

July 4 at 1500 hrs., Nam Ya LIB (12) fired four 82mm rounds to Kumtsai village, in Hpakant Township. At 1220 hrs., Kamai Byuha Base fired one mortar round to the side of Gawng Hka.

July 7 at 0650 hrs., the combined troops numbering around 50 soldiers from LIB (116) and Infantry Battalion (IB) (42) coming from Kasen Bum were attacked with mines along Namkawn Rung, Seng Awng village by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) soldiers from 6th Battalion, leaving many Burma Amry soldiers killed or injured. The injured were sent to Hpakant hospital.

July 14, around 70 combined Burma Army soldiers led by IB (42) Commander, Maj. Zaw Myo Than and Maj. San Aung from LIB (116) operating along a crop field behind Gatnoi village clashed with KIA soldiers from 11th Battalion at Microwave Bum (KJ 520 372) between Gawlu Yang and Hkumtsai Zup village, Hpakant Township.

July 15 between 0535-0542 hrs., the clash erupted again when KIA soldiers carried out a clearance operation at the site. Nam Ya LIB (12) backed by 60mm mortar fire during the fighting that a shell landed in the house of Zahkung Zau Seng, injuring five civilians: Maji La Ja, Ms. Hpauyu Hkawn Nu, Hpaula Dut La (in serious condition), Hpaula Kai and Ms. Marip Myu Htoi Tsin, and another shell landed in the house of Mr. Lamwi Naw Jat, at Seng Hpra village, killing one pig.

July 15 between 0930-0955 hrs., the fighting continued between around 70 combined Burma Army soldiers and KIA’s militia along the uphill of Hkumtsai Zup Church (KJ 528 266).

July 16 at 1540 hrs., Nam Ya LIB (12) fired 3 82mm mortar rounds toward Manaw Maw. At 155o hrs., Burma Army soldiers arriving along Kachin Baptist Convention (KBC) Worship Hill, Hkutsai Zup village fired 4 60mm rounds to the side of Microwave Bum, in Hpakant Township.

July 19 at 1300 hrs., Nam Ya LIB (12) Base fired three 82mm mortar rounds to the side of Hkumtsai Zup, in Hpakant Township.

July 22 at 0656 hrs., two KIA soldiers from 44th Battalion attacked Burma Army checkpoint at Kamaing – Lawa road junction with two remote mines, leaving two Burma Army soldiers dead and two wounded, in Hpakant Township.

Mansi, Monyin, Putao, Danai/Tanai Townships

July 2 between 1540-1600 hrs., around 50 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (250) and LIB (424) coming from Banggaw, Manlep were attacked with mines at Hpumlum Hkyet between Hkachyang Hku and Maji Gung, by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, injuring around ten Burma Army soldiers, in Mansi Township.

July 21 at 0820 hrs., around 20 Burma Army soldiers from IB (276) coming on foot from Loihkam Bum were attacked with a mine by KIA soldiers from 12th Battalion, leaving five (BA) soldiers wounded. The Burma Army soldiers reacted by firing 79mm and small arms in all directions, in Mansi Township.

July 21 at 1030 hrs., People’s Defense Force (PDF) attacked Burma Army soldiers on a truck near Lwan Hkwa village between Naba and Katha, in Monyin Township.

July 23, around 80 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (309) operating on foot from Katha were attacked with a mine by KIA soldiers and PDF, leaving five Burma Army dead and five wounded, in Monyin Township.

July 12 at 2100 hrs., KIA soldiers from 7th Battalion fired five M-79 grenade launchers at Sumpyi Yang IB (137) Base (LJ 656 734), Putao Township.

July 5 at 2038 hrs., IB (297) stationed at Jahtu Zup fired six mortar rounds to the side of KIA 14th Battalion, in Danai Township.

Momauk Township

July 2 at 0935 hrs., KIA soldiers from 19th Battalion attacked around 100 Burma Army soldiers operating at Mansai road junction with a mine between Loi Mawk and Dung Hung, injuring 4 or 5 soldiers. Burma Army soldiers reacted by firing in the vicinity, which lasted 10 minutes, resulting in five civilians (including a 2-year-old child) wounded, in Momauk Township. A 2-year-old child was sent to Myitkyina hospital due to a serious condition, while the four were sent to Dawhpum Yang hospital.

July 10 at 0610 hrs., KIA soldiers from 15th Battalion detonated an IED at Burma Army soldiers coming from Numlang between Ta Li and Taw Be, in Momauk Township. Burma Army soldiers reacted by indiscriminate fire: small arms and mortars nearby.

July 10 between 1125-1135 hrs., Kunglaw LIB (387) Base fired 11 120mm mortar rounds toward KIA 25th Battalion area, in Momauk Township. At 1932 hrs., a jet flew over Salawng Kawng and Myo Tit.

July 11 at 2145 hrs., 15 mortar/artillery rounds were fired: from LIB (387) to the side of Salawng Kawng, from LIB (438) and IB (142) to the sides of KIA 19th, 25th and 30th Battalion areas. One shell fired from IB (142) Base landed on a cowshed of Khin Maung Nyut from Dawhpum Yang village which killed four cows, in Momauk Township.

July 12 at 0850 hrs., KIA’s militiamen attacked with two mines at a 4×4 truck carrying 8 Armed Policemen from No.30 Police Station en route to Yuma village from Hpakant, leaving two policemen wounded. The incident took place in front of Yuma School. Another 4×4 car carrying 6 policemen, going to check the incident, were detonated a mine at 1315 hrs. too.

July 23 at 1324 hrs., KIA soldiers from 15th Battalion attacked around 20 Bumra Army soldiers coming from Hka Wan Bang by a truck and five motorcycles with two mines – at Alen Kawng village, Koit Tit road (LG 333 824), leaving one soldier on motorcycle wounded, in Momauk Township.

July 23 between 1852-2025 hrs., Burma Army soldiers stationed at Hpunpyen Bum stepped on a landmine on the way to fetch water. In retaliation, they fired 6 mortar rounds from Hkangkai Bum toward Shang Htung Bum, 3 rounds from Bumre toward a KIA post under GHQ command, in Momauk Township.

Waingmaw Township

July 2 at 1209 hrs., IB (58) fired three 105mm howitzers toward Machyang Bum behind Washawng village, in Waimaw Township.

July 8 at 2008 hrs., KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion attacked Shwe Nyaung Pin LIB (321) Base with 60mm mortar rounds and grenade launchers, in Waimaw Township.

July 11 between 2000-2010 hrs., KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion attacked Burma Army’s Aung Mye Thit Bridge Post, seizing two M-22 rifles along with over 500 bullets and other items. The (KIA) soldiers set fire to their (BA) camps, in Waimaw Township.

July 11 at 2125 hrs., IB (58) Base fired two 105mm howitzers to the side of Nang Zaw Yang, in Waimaw Township.

July 21 at 0845 hrs., three KIA soldiers laid a mine inside the checkpoint, Hka Ya road junction wherein Burma Army soldiers from IB (77), under LID (88) sat during the day and withdrew at night. A mine was detonated when the soldiers sat, leaving two dead and three others wounded, in Waimaw Township.

July 21 at 1930 hrs., IB (58) fired four 105mm howitzers to the side of Nang Zaw Yang front line area, in Waimaw Township.

Shwegu Township

July 4 between 2300-2310 hrs., the clash broke out when the combined forces from 12th Battalion and PDF attacked around 30 Burma Army soldiers under LID (88) taking security for underground communication cable at head of Ngabat Gyi village and around 30 policemen stationed Shwegu Quarter (3) Police Station, in Shwegu Township.

July 7 between 0700-0730 hrs., the fighting broke out when KIA soldiers from 5th Battalion fired at three boats carrying around 60 Burma Army soldiers at Gaugwi Hka and Nambu Hka river intersection, in Shwegu Township.

July 9 at 1450 hrs., four jets from Myitkyina dropped two bombs around Chyauk Gyi, Myo Hla, in Shwegu Township.

July 13, around 50 Burma Army soldiers under LID (88) appearing at Ta Ya Kung, Chyauk Ji from Uk Tsi village were attacked with a remote mine, killing one Burma Army soldier and injuring 6 others, in Shwegu Township.

Shan State

Muse Township

July 4 at 1720 hrs., the fighting broke out when around 100 Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) soldiers from No.311 Brigade fired at around 30 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (547) in a truck heading to Loi Ngu from Hpawng Seng – near Loi Ngu village (MG 459 644), in Muse Township.

July 5 between 1240-1320 hrs., Burma Army Base at Hpawng Seng fired four 81mm rounds to the side of Loi Ngu Bum where MNDAA soldiers stationed, in Muse Township.

July 7 at 0820 hrs., around 100 MNDAA soldiers from 311th Brigade attacked Hpawng Seng Base (MG 432 660) where an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (419) stationed, in Muse Township.

July 11 between 1210-1630 hrs., around 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) carried out offensive toward Hpawng Seng Udang Bum (MG 455 622) where MNDAA 304th Battalion under 311th Brigade stationed, leaving 8 Burma Army soldiers dead, in Muse Township. Between 1830-1930 hrs., (BA) soldiers continuously fired mortar rounds to the mountain where MNDAA soldiers were stationed.

July 12 at 1800 hrs., there was fighting between MNDAA soldiers and LIB (575) at Hpawng Seng Lashap village, in Muse Township.

July 13 at 0925 hrs., there was fighting between MNDAA soldiers and Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit between Man Pying village and Nawn Hpai village, in Muse Township.

July 18 between 1401-1320 hrs., the clash broke out when KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion fired at around 100 Burma Army soldiers under Light Infantry Division (LID) (99) coming on foot from Da Lung – Manjak Pa (MG 011 401), in Muse Township.

July 23 between 1920-1935 hrs., around 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (419) coming on foot from Hpaikawng clashed with MNDAA soldiers from 505th Battalion, 511th Brigade at Kawng Wai road junction (MG 136 648), in Muse Township.

Kutkai Township

July 4 at 0810 hrs., around 50 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) heading to Man Pyawng Bum from Nam Hpalum were attacked at the coordinates: LG 872 029 between Kawng Lim and Shu Khin Tha by KIA soldiers from 29th Battalion in Kutkai Township.

July 6 at 0955 hrs., an estimated 70 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Manje were attacked with four mines at Kawng Lim and Bang Hpik road junction (MG 193 182) by MNDAA No.m501 Unit, in Kutkai Township.

July 9 at 1013 hrs., an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming from Nam Ba Chi village were attacked with a mine by KIA soldiers from 39th Battalion, in Kutkai Township.

July 15 between 0810-0930 hrs., around 110 Burma Army soldiers from IB (290) coming from Manje clashed with around 200 of combined soldiers of MNDAA, AA and KIA at Loi Lem Bum (MG 206 146), in Kutkai Township. Burma Army soldiers from Mung Ji Base backed by 105mm fire.

July 15 at 1200 hrs., Namhpakka IB (123) Base fired two mortar rounds to the side of Bang Gai Ja Maw (gold mining area), in Kutkai Township.

July 15 at 1400 hrs., around 80 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Nam Jarap clashed with around 60 MNDAA soldiers from No.202 Unit at Huli Bum Hpaleng road junction (MF 151 400), in Kutkai Township.

July 18 between 1300-1320 hrs., the fighting broke out when around 130 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) appeared at Man Jang Pa (MG 011 401) where KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion stayed.

July 19 at 0950 hrs., the fighting broke out when Burma Army soldiers from LID (99) carried out an offensive toward Man Jang Bum (MG 020 391), in Kutkai Township.

July 19 between 0924-1030 hrs., there was fighting between KIA soldiers from 10th Brigade and around 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (109) – at Bang Ding village (MG 271 117), in Kutkai Township. Burma Army soldiers from Mung Ji Base backed by 105mm fire.

July 21 between 1100-1120 hrs., MNDAA soldiers from 505th Battalion, under 511th Brigade attacked around 60 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (79) and LIB (315) coming from Bang Sai Base, when the Burma Army soldiers arrived at uphill of Nam Hu village (MG 080 631). Fighting resumed when MNDAA soldiers attacked again between 1200-1400 hrs., in Kutkai Township.

July 1 at 0830 hrs., KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion detonated a mine at a 4×4 truck in which soldiers from IB (123) were travelling on their way to Namhpakka Quarter (3) Market, leaving two dead, in Kutkai Township.

July 6 at 0955 hrs., an estimated 70 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Manje were attacked with four mines at Kawng Lim and Bang Hpik road junction (MG 193 182) by MNDAA No.501 Unit, in Kutkai Township.

Lashio, Hseni

July 24 between 1000-1100 hrs., KIA soldiers from 17th Battalion clashed with around 70 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Pang Ti at Kawng Dap (MF 294 839), in Hseni Township.

July 24 at 0940 hrs., the clash broke out when around 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) appeared at Nawng Sam Bu (MF 267 496) where MNDAA soldiers from 205th Battalion stayed. At 1735 hrs., around 80 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (420) carried out an offensive at Bang Loi Ngin (MF 240 470) where MNDAA soldiers from 205th Battalion initiated fire, in Lashio Township.

June 2021
Kachin Reporting

The month of June saw continued fighting in Shan and Kachin states, with a reported tally of 34 artillery missions, 13 uses of mines and improvised explosive devices, and 27 troop contacts that resulted in short or prolonged fighting between EAO’s and Burma Army forces. In Kachin State much of the reported fighting took place in Hpakant, Mansi, Monyin, Momauk, and Waingmaw Townships, while in Shan State the majority of reported fighting continues to take place in the vicinity of Kuthkai.

Kachin State

Hpakant (Monyin District)

On June 3 at 1750 hrs., Burma Army soldiers from Ginsi Byuha Base fired 4 105mm rounds towards Myithkrum village, Minmaw and Ye Sha Maw in Hpakant Township.

On June 15 between 1740-0830 hrs., an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (116) coming from Lunghkang Gun-powder Station were attacked with mines by KIA soldiers from 6th Battalion which led to fighting. The two Burma Army soldiers were killed and one wounded in the clash, in Hpakant Township.

On June 15 at 1715 hrs., IB (76) stationed at Ginsi Dingnyina Kawng fired two 105mm rounds to the side of 6th Battalion control area and two rounds to the side of 9th Brigade HQ at 1740 hrs., in Hpakant Township.

On June 23 at 2146 hrs., Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kamaing Byuha Kawng (Kamaing Tactical Base) fired two 81mm mortar rounds to the side of Si-En terrain, in Hpakant Township. At 2150 hrs., LIB (12) stationed at Nam Ya fired two 60mm mortar rounds to the side of Sabaw Maw.

On June 23 at 2146 hrs., Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kamaing Byuha Kawng (Kamaing Tactical Base) fired two 81mm mortar rounds to the side of Si-En terrain, in Hpakant Township.

On June 23 at 2150 hrs., LIB (12) stationed at Nam Ya fired two 60mm mortar rounds to the side of Sabaw Maw, in Hpakant Township.

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