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August 11th, 2021  •  Author:   Special Advisory Council for Myanmar  •  2 minute read
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Both the National Unity Government (NUG) and the military junta seek to represent Myanmar in the United Nations.

At the UN General Assembly in New York, Myanmar is currently represented by Permanent Representative Kyaw Moe Tun, who has held the position since 2020. Now affiliated with the NUG, on 26 February 2021 in the General Assembly he called on States not to recognise or legitimise the military coup of 1 February.

A “Credentials Committee” of nine UN Member States will review the issue of Myanmar’s representation from mid-September, when the General Assembly opens its annual session.

The decision on Myanmar’s representation will occur in the General Assembly, by vote if necessary. It will affect Myanmar’s representation in all UN forums, including at the International Court of Justice.

By December 2021 at the latest, the General Assembly is expected to have come to a decision. It could “accept the credentials” of the representative of the NUG or the junta, enabling one to represent Myanmar in the UN. But it could be a more complicated outcome, such as a deferred decision.

This briefing paper: Myanmar’s Representation in the United Nations by SAC-M, outlines the processes of the Credentials Committee and possible scenarios in the current case of Myanmar.

Download the Briefing Paper: SAC-M Briefing Paper Myanmar’s Representation in the UN ENGLISH

It concludes that an acceptance of the military junta’s credentials in the current circumstances would be unprecedented in the UN. Furthermore, any action fully depriving the State of representation would likely be contrary to the UN Charter.

Download the Briefing Paper: SAC-M Briefing Paper Myanmar’s Representation in the UN ENGLISH