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MYANMAR – Humanitarian Snapshot (July 2021)

July 16th, 2021  •  Author:   United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  •  3 minute read
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A total of 3 million people are targeted for humanitarian assistance and protection services across various parts of the country. This includes 1 million people in need in conflict-affected areas previously identified and a further 2 million people identified since 1 February.
The additional caseload of 2 million people includes families in urban and peri-urban townships in Yangon and Mandalay, which have seen dramatic increase in humanitarian needs, as well as people newly displaced in conflict-affected areas since 1 February.
An additional US$109 million is requested to address the new needs and complement the existing Humanitarian Response Plan, which seeks $276.5 million in funding.


The security situation in southeastern Myanmar remains volatile, with sporadic clashes reported between the MAF and “People’s Defense Forces (PDF)” in Kayah and Mon states, marking an increase in hostilities in recent weeks.
UNHCR estimates around 170,100 people have been internally displaced in southeastern Myanmar due to violence, insecurity and clashes between the MAF, EAOs and “PDF” since 1 February.
This includes 121,400 people displaced in Kayah and neighboring townships in southern Shan since late May, a further 47,600 people displaced in Kayin with another 1,100 displaced in Mon states since 1 February.


The security situation in Kachin and Shan states remains volatile, with clashes reported between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) or among the EAOs on a regular basis.
In Kachin, around 11,510 people have been internally displaced since the resurgence of hostilities between the MAF and the “Kachin Independence Army” in mid-March 2021. Over 7,800 of them remain displaced in eight townships.
Around 6,900 people were newly displaced due to various clashes in north and southern areas of Shan State over the course of June. In total, 22,156 people have been internally displaced across Shan State since the start of 2021; about 7,500 people remain displaced in six townships.


The security situation remains volatile in Chin State with intermittent clashes between the MAF and “PDF” reported in several townships in Chin State, as well as in neighboring Pauk and Saw townships in Magway Region.
About 16,300 people are currently hosted in over 100 displacement sites in five townships in Chin State since May and in Saw Township in Magway and Kale Township in Sagaing regions since June. Meanwhile, almost 9,850 people, displaced by the MAF-Arakan Army conflict, remain in Paletwa Township, Chin State.
In Rakhine, two civilians in Ann Township sustained injuries from a landmine explosion on 10 July. According to UNICEF, 38 civilians have been killed or injured by landmines in Rakhine State in the first five months of 2021, which represents 37 per cent of the total casualties countrywide during this period.

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