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June 26th, 2021  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  2 minute read
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9 June 2021 – 20 June 2021
Demoso Township, Loikaw District, Karenni State, Burma .
On 9 June 2021 Burma Army Commander Colonel Ta Ma of Light Infantry Division (LID) 66 attacked the Karenni of the Demoso and Loikaw areas of Karenni State. Spearheaded by 300 Burma Army troops, they attacked from village to village in Demoso Township, Loikaw District, Karenni State. There are now over 50,000,  but the KNPP reports 100,000 displaced Karenni in hiding.
The villagers were terrified  and fled to the south into the forest as soldiers were firing indiscriminately at anything that moved. The Burma Army is using intimidation tactics to scare Karenni villagers into fleeing and then burglarizing their homes. The soldiers are now staying in villagers’ homes.
The Burma Army continues to loot the villages and homes. The weapons used by these soldiers are as follows: RPG 7, M-79 grenade launchers, M-16 assault rifles, AK -47s, and the Burma Army MA series assault rifles as well as sniper systems.
Below are photos of a wounded villager, destroyed and looted homes and reconnaissance photos of Burma Arm troops on the move.
Burma Army soldiers on the move through Karenni State. These soldiers fire indiscriminately at will as they move through the jungle, people’s fields, and their villages.
Destroyed and looted homes in Karenni State.