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Children Orphaned, Civilians Dead from Landmines, and Villager Shot by Burma Army in Karen State

June 13th, 2021  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  5 minute read
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*Update on Kidnapped Mother of Three

29 May – 3 June 2021
Karen State, Burma

Dear friends,

Thank you for your prayers. The woman who was captured by the Burma Army and whose three children had fled into hiding has now been released. Naw Aye Kya was abducted on 23 May and taken to the Burma Army camp at Thabo. She is reunited with her children and in a safe place in the Karen area. Thank you so much for praying for her and being a part of her release. See report here:

Update from Papun District, Karen State

Civilians trying to live their daily lives continue to be killed and wounded by Burma Army attacks. On 28 May at 0200hrs the Burma Army from Mae Way Camp, Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 97, shot at villagers who were traveling on the road close to their camp. They hit Saw Nyi Nyi, 25 years old, from Mae Way Village, on his forearm. This unit is led by Major Htet Naing Oo. May Way is in Dwelo Township, Papun District, northern Karen State.

Update: Lu Thaw Township, Papun District

On May 29 at 1021hrs, fighting occurred between the Karen National Liberation Army (the armed wing of the Karen National Union or KNU)and the Burma Army in Ta May Hta. The Burma Army base in Kyauk Ker Kyo shot two mortar rounds at Kyauk Ker Hta, Kaw Der Der area. They also shot two mortar rounds at Maw Ko, Kaw Ter Der area. All landed on civilian land.

On May 30 at 0150hrs, the Burma Army base in Pah Gaw Lo shot three mortar rounds to Toh Daw Plaw, Koo Ga Plaw. On the same day at 1255hrs the Burma Army base in Wa Klay Tu shot one mortar round to Saw Nweh Plaw. Also, at 1330hrs they shot three mortar rounds to Saw Nweh Hta – one did not explode. At the same time the Burma Army from Pah Gaw Lo shot nine mortar rounds to Saw Nweh Hta – two did not explode. All these mortars landed in civilian working areas in the Saw Mu Plaw region.

On May 31 at 0840hrs, the Burma Army base in Wa Klay Tu shot one mortar round to Htee Li Ka Kee, one to Nah Noh Day and one to Klee Pu. Total: three rounds. All landed in Saw Mu Plaw areas on villager properties.

On May 31 at 0800hrs, the Burma Army moved food supplies from Kyauk Ker Kyo and Hsa Law Kyo.

On June 1 at 1800hrs, one group from the Burma Army in Hsa La Kyo went to Kaw Daw Koh and while on the way they stayed the night in Shel Daw Koh, Kaw Ter Der area. At this same time the Burma Army moved food supplies and set up two landmines in Bler Baw, Kaw Ter Der area. One of the landmines hit a villager’s buffalo. One landmine has yet to detonate.

On June 2 at 0935hrs, the Burma Army base in Hsa Law Kyo shot three mortar rounds to the Ta May Kee area. At the same time one group of Burma Army went and stayed the night in Kah Poe Hta, Ta Keh Der area. The numbers are unknown.

On June 3 at 1255hrs, the KNLA shot at the Burma Army in Thay Kler Day, Ta Keh Der area. The Burma Army shot six mortar rounds to Law Kaw Day, Baw Lay Der area. No casualties on the KNLA side. Casuaities on the Burma Army side are unknown. On the same day at 0825hrs, a Karen soldier removed one Burma Army landmine in Bler Baw Lo Kyo, Kaw Ter Der area.

On June 3, Burma Army mules/horses from Pah Gaw Lo arrived in Wa Klay Tu camp. Numbers are unknown.

On May 28 at 0840hrs, the Burma Army moved more food supplies to their camps in Mu Traw District, Lu Thaw Township, Kay Pu Village Tract. The group moving food supplies crossed the river in Mu Kay Hta, Kaw Ter Der area. During this movement fighting occurred between them and Karen soldiers. Two Burma Army soldiers died and casualties are unknown. There were no casualties on the KNU side.

According to Captain Saw Kweh Wah the Burma Army wants to conduct more activities so they can move more supplies everyday in Lu Thaw Township. He stated, “They want to take over our people’s homes and rule over our people so that they (Burma Army) can move more supplies for their activities.”

Update: Dwe Lo Township, Papun District

On May 12, the Burma Army Military Operations Command (MOC) 8, Light Infantry Battalion (LIB)405, and the Border Guard Force (BGF) 1013 conducted a joint operation and captured Saw Toh Klo, 48 years old from Dwe Lo Township, Ker Ter Ti Village Tract, Papun District. They beat him badly and killed him without cause. They killed him beside the Noh Keh Klo stream, on the side of the road. His wife had already passed away, before this event, so he leaves behind 4 children: 1 girl and 3 boys. These children are now orphaned.

On May 18, Saw Pee Lu, 45 years old, from Baw Kyo Hta Village, stepped on a landmine that was laid by the Border Guard Force (BGF) 1014. He died instantly. This BGF laid landmines in civilian fields and working areas. Saw Pee Lu did not leave behind any family.

On 24 May at 0900hrs, Saw Pah Keh, 63 yrs old from Noh Keh Hta Village, Lay Poe Hta Village Tract, stepped on a landmine while working in his field. The landmine was laid by BGF.

Since the coup in Burma, the Burma Army is guilty of many human rights violations in the cities and ethnic areas.

Thank you and God bless you,

The Free Burma Rangers

Saw Nyi Nyi, pictured in the two photos below, was shot by the Burma Army as he traveled to his home.

View the original.