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Treasury Sanctions Governing Body, Officials, and Family Members Connected to Burma’s Military

May 17th, 2021  •  Author:   Department of the Treasury , United States  •  8 minute read
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WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated 16 individuals and one entity connected to Burma’s military regime.

Thirteen of the individuals sanctioned today are key members of Burma’s military regime, which is violentlCouy repressing the pro-democracy movement in the country and is responsible for the ongoing violent and lethal attacks against the people of Burma, including the killing of children.  The other three individuals are adult children of previously designated senior Burmese military officials.  The entity is the State Administration Council (SAC), the body created by the military to support its unlawful overthrow of the democratically elected civilian government.  These designations today are made pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14014, “Blocking Property with Respect to the Situation in Burma.”  These sanctions are not directed at the people of Burma.  In concurrent actions, the U.K. and Canada also sanctioned persons and/or entities in relation to the on-going coup in Burma.

“Burma’s military continues to commit human rights abuses and oppress the people of Burma.  Today’s action demonstrates the United States’ commitment to work with our international partners to press the Burmese military and promote accountability for those responsible for the coup and ongoing violence,” said Andrea Gacki, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control.

As a part of today’s action, the State Administrative Council (SAC) is designated for being a political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of the Government of Burma.  The SAC, which is the official name of the military government in Burma, was formed by Burma’s military on February 2, 2021.  It is largely made up of military officials and led by Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, whom Treasury designated on February 11, 2021 pursuant to E.O. 14014.

The following four individuals are designated pursuant to E.O. 14014 for being foreign persons who are or were leaders or officials of the Government of Burma on or after February 2, 2021:

  • Mahn Nyein Maung is a member of the SAC;
  • Thein Nyunt is a member of the SAC;
  • Sai Lone Saing is a member of the SAC; and
  • Khin Maung Swe is a member of the SAC.

The following nine individuals, who are members of the military regime, are designated pursuant to E.O.14014 for being foreign persons who are or were leaders or officials of the Government of Burma on or after February 2, 2021:

  • Ko Ko Hlaing is the Minister of International Cooperation;
  • Tun Aung Myint is the Minister for Ethnic Affairs;
  • Tun Tun Naung is the Minister of Border Affairs;
  • Than Nyein is the governor of the Central Bank of Burma;
  • Pwint San is the Minister of Commerce;
  • Win Shein is the Minister for Planning, Finance, and Industry;
  • Thein Soe is the chairman of the military-appointed Union Election Commission, the regime’s electoral body;
  • Thet Khaing Win is the Minister of Health and Sports; and
  • Khin Maung Yi is the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation.

In addition to the individuals identified above, the following three individuals are designated pursuant to E.O. 14014 for being a spouse or adult child of a person whose property and interests in property are blocked.

  • Hein Htet is the adult child of SAC member General Maung Maung Kyaw, whom Treasury designated on February 22, 2021 pursuant to E.O. 14014;
  • Kaung Htet is also an adult child of General Maung Maung Kyaw; and
  • Yin Min Thu is the adult child of SAC member Admiral Tin Aung San, whom Treasury designated on February 11, 2021 pursuant to E.O. 14014.

As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of the persons named above that are in the United States, or in the possession or control of U.S. persons, are blocked and must be reported to OFAC.  In addition, any entities that are owned, directly or indirectly, in the aggregate, 50 percent or more by one or more blocked persons are also blocked.

Unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or otherwise exempt, all transactions by U.S. persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or otherwise blocked persons are prohibited.  The prohibitions include the making of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services by, to, or for the benefit of any blocked person or the receipt of any contribution or provision of funds, goods, or services from any such person.



The following individuals have been added to OFAC’s SDN List: 

AL-FAY, Ibrahim Ali ‘Awad (a.k.a. “Abu Ali al-Samarra’i”), Sakarya, Turkey; DOB 1968; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT].

AL-FAY, Idris ‘Ali ‘Awwad (a.k.a. AL-FAY, Idris Ali Awad Khalif; a.k.a. KHALIF, Idris Ali ‘Awad; a.k.a. “Abu Sayf al-Samara’i”; a.k.a. “Mullah Idris”), Owainat Village, Owainat District, Salah Ad Din Province, Iraq; Turkey; Albu Dur, Tikrit, Salah-ad Din Province, Iraq; DOB 01 Jul 1971; POB Albu Dur, Tikrit, Salah-ad Din Province, Iraq; nationality Iraq; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT].

HLAING, Ko Ko (a.k.a. HLAING, U Ko Ko), 3, IPRD Wing, East Shwegonedine Road, Bahan, Burma; DOB 24 Oct 1956; POB Myinmu, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Passport OM003624 (Burma) issued 06 Sep 2011 expires 05 Sep 2016; National ID No. 8MAKANANG014283 (Burma); Minister for International Cooperation (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

HTET, Hein (a.k.a. HTET, Ivan; a.k.a. HTET, U Hein), Burma; DOB 06 Nov 1987; nationality Burma; Gender Male; National ID No. 12DAGANAN029901 (Burma) (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

HTET, Kaung (a.k.a. HTET, U Kaung), Burma; DOB 03 Aug 1992; nationality Burma; Gender Male; National ID No. 12DAGANAN032517 (Burma) (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

KHANFURAH, Alaa (a.k.a. KHANFORA, Alaa; a.k.a. KHANFORAH, Mohammed Alaa Omer; a.k.a. KHANFOURA, Alaa; a.k.a. KHANFURAH, ‘Ala’; a.k.a. KHANFURAN, Alaa), Reyhanli, Hatay, Turkey; DOB 01 Jan 1986; alt. DOB 1985; POB al-Habit, Syria; nationality Syria; Gender Male (individual) [SDGT].

MAUNG, Mahn Nyein (a.k.a. MAUNG, Padoh Mahn Nyein; a.k.a. MAUNG, Phado Man Nyein), Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 01 Jan 1947 to 01 Jan 1949; nationality Burma; Gender Male; State Administrative Council Member (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

MYINT, Tun Aung (a.k.a. MYINT, Htun Aung; a.k.a. MYINT, Saw Htun Aung; a.k.a. MYINT, Saw Tun Aung), Number (632), Gagyi/16, Arzarni Road, Number (4) Lanmason, Quarter (5), Shwepyithar Township, Rangoon, Burma; DOB 16 Feb 1942; alt. DOB 19 Feb 1942; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Union Minister of Ethnic Affairs (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

NAUNG, Tun Tun (a.k.a. NAING, Tun Tun; a.k.a. NAUNG, Htun Htun), Burma; DOB 30 Apr 1963; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Union Minister of Border Affairs (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

NYEIN, Than (a.k.a. NYEIN, U Than), No 67, Yin Mar Myaing St, Su Paung, Thuwunna, Theingangyun Tsp, Rangoon, Burma; DOB 29 Feb 1952; POB Kawkareik, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Passport MA370433 (Burma) issued 08 Nov 2013 expires 07 Nov 2018; National ID No. 12YAKANAN007001 (Burma) (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

NYUNT, Thein (a.k.a. NYUNT, U Thein), Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 26 Dec 1944; alt. DOB 20 Nov 1944; POB Kawkareik, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; National ID No. 12THAGAKAN012432 (Burma); State Administrative Council Member (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

SAING, Sai Lone (a.k.a. HSAI, U Sai Lone; a.k.a. HSAING, U Sai Lone; a.k.a. HSENG, Sai Lone; a.k.a. HSENG, Sai Long; a.k.a. SAING, U Sai Lone), Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 18 Apr 1947; nationality Burma; Gender Male; State Administrative Council Member (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

SAN, Pwint (a.k.a. HSAN, Pwint), Zayar Shwe Pyi Road, Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 13 Jul 1961; POB Rangoon, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Passport DM000334 (Burma) issued 30 May 2011 expires 29 May 2021; National ID No. 12MARAKAN007186 (Burma); Union Minister of Commerce (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

SHEIN, Win (a.k.a. SHEIN, U Win), Myananyadanar, Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 31 Jul 1957; POB Mandalay, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Passport DM001478 (Burma) issued 10 Sep 2012 expires 09 Sep 2022; National ID No. 12DAGANA011336 (Burma); Minister for Planning, Finance, and Industry (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

SOE, Thein (a.k.a. SOE, U Thein), Burma; DOB 23 Jan 1952; POB Kani, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Union Election Commission Chairman (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

SWE, Khin Maung (a.k.a. SWE, Khin Mg; a.k.a. SWE, U Khin Maung), Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 20 Jul 1942; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; State Administrative Council Member (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

THU, Yin Min (a.k.a. THU, Daw Yin Min), Burma; DOB 23 Aug 1989; nationality Burma; Gender Female; National ID No. 12AHLANAN042764 (Burma) (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

WIN, Thet Khaing (a.k.a. WIN, Thet Kaing), C 541, 1, Yan Myo Thant Zin Street, Zaya Theikdi Quarter, Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 14 Nov 1961; POB Rangoon, Burma; nationality Burma; Gender Male; Passport DM004668 (Burma) issued 17 Oct 2017 expires 16 Oct 2027; National ID No. 12KAMATAN043299 (Burma); Minister of Health and Sports (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

YI, Khin Maung (a.k.a. YEE, Khin Maung; a.k.a. YEE, Khin Mg; a.k.a. YEE, U Khin Maung; a.k.a. YI, Khin Mg; a.k.a. YI, U Khin Maung), No. 3132, Khatta (18) Street, Ottayathiri Township, Naypyitaw, Burma; DOB 15 Feb 1965; POB Rangoon, Burma; nationality Burma; citizen Burma; Gender Male; Passport DM000956 (Burma) issued 25 Jan 2012 expires 24 Jan 2022; National ID No. 14HATHATAN059290 (Burma); alt. National ID No. 13MAYATANAING002216; Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (individual) [BURMA-EO14014].

The following entities have been added to OFAC’s SDN List: 

AL FAY COMPANY, Building 54100, Adapazari, Sakarya Province, Turkey; Organization Type: Other monetary intermediation [SDGT].

STATE ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL (a.k.a. STATE ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL), Naypyitaw, Burma; Target Type Government Entity [BURMA-EO14014].

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