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Update: Kachin State Clash Report, 1-6 April 2021

April 9th, 2021  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  4 minute read
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The first week of April saw reported fighting in Sumprabum, Momauk, Hpakant, and Mogoung townships of Kachin State, in addition to Muse, Kuthkai, Lashio and Namhkam townships in northern Shan State. Burma Army units have increased their use of artillery, utilizing 105mm howitzer supporting fires against Kachin Independence Army (KIA) units. Reports of fighting in the northern townships, where previously little fighting has happened, are now increasing as well.

Locations of military actions in this report, by township.

Clash Reports

Kachin State

Sumprabum Township

On April 1 at 0430 hrs, KIA soldiers from 22nd Battalion fired three RPG projectiles and four 40mm rounds at Burma Army Infantry Battalion (IB) (37) based in Daru Hka (LJ 525 918) and Burma Army soldiers returned fire with seven 60mm rounds. A civilian, Ms. Kayun Du Roi from Daru Hka Village, was wounded in the right arm by this fire. At 0710 hrs, KIA soldiers set fire to Hka Garan Post (LK 494 098) where Burma Army soldiers left, in Sumprabum Township.

Momauk Township

On April 2 at 2030 hrs, Burma Army IB (142) fired two 105mm rounds toward the area of KIA 19th Battalion, in Momauk Township.

On April 5 at 0400 hrs, KIA soldiers from 25th Battalion attacked an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers moving to Alaw Bum from LIB (438) Numlang Base, with landmines at the coordinates: (LH 415 112) in Momauk Township.

Hpakant Township

On April 3 at 1002 hrs, Burma Army 365th Artillery Unit, positioned at Ginsi Byuha Kawng, fired one 105mm round toward KIA 9th Brigade’s security outpost, in Hpakant Township.

Mogoung Township

On April 1 between 1045-1115 hrs, an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers from Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) (390) coming on foot from Dumbung were attacked at Tingrat Hka (KJ 877 167) by KIA’s militiamen from 11th Battalion, leaving a Burma Army sergeant dead, in Mogoung Township.

On April 1 at 1030 hrs, KIA’s militiamen from 44th Battalion fired one RPG projectile at an estimated 50 combined soldiers from IB (74), LIB (12, 381, and 382) operating around Namting, in Mogoung Township.

On April 3 at 1040 hrs, an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers in four trucks coming from Northern Command Base were attacked with three landmines at Namti Nlung Bum (LJ 054 053), leaving two trucks destroyed. An estimated 30 Burma Army soldiers from MOC (3) were reinforced at the site and the other 70 soldiers took security between Namti Chyauk Taung and Mayan Village, in Mogoung Township.

Mohnyin Township

On April 5 at 1600, the residents from Pyin Le Bu fired with firelocks (homemade rifles) at the policemen, leaving one police officer and one private dead. The natives set fire to Pyin Le Bu village administrative office, in Monyin Township.

On April 5 at 0900, villagers encircled Out Inn Daw police station and demonstrated because the police had arrested five teachers who joined the CDM. Then the protesters smashed the police post. When Burma Army soldiers in 7 trucks arrived from Kaw Lin and opened fire to disperse the protesters, one villager died and one was injured, in Monyin Township.

Shan State

Namhkam Township

On April 3 at 1530 hrs, KIA Coy (4) of 8th Battalion clashed with an unknown unit of Burma Army at Lawu Manwing near Mung Wi. The fighting lasted 20 minutes, in Namhkam Township.

Lashio Township

On April 4 between 1220-1240 hrs, an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers of an unknown unit coming from Mung Yaw were attacked at Loilem road junction (MF 163 505) below Bang Hka, by KIA Coy (1) of 17th Battalion, in Lashio Township.

Kuthkai Township

On April 5 between 1220-1245 hrs, KIA militia forces from 2nd Battalion attacked an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) and LIB (363) coming from Mungji, at the coordinates: MG 473079 between Nawng Jang and Mung Paw, leaving three Burma Army soldiers wounded, in Kuthkai Township.

On April 5 at 1020 hrs, a KIA soldier from Coy (1) of 9th Battalion triggered a landmine that detonated near an estimated 80 Burma Army soldiers coming from Kuthkai, at LG 891 036 between Namgut and Hu Nawng, in Kuthkai Township.

Muse Township

On April 6 between 1710-1725 hrs, an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers coming on foot from Hpawng Seng under Northeast Command were attacked by KIA soldiers from Coy (4) of 36th Battalion, at MG 406 643 between Man Yang and Bang Mwi in Muse Township.

Human Rights Abuses

As a result of Burma Army and KIA fighting on April 1st in the vicinity of the IB (37) base in Dara Hka, fragments from Burma Army shells wounded Ms. Kayun Du Roi from Daru Hka Tillage in the right arm in Sumprabum township.

Air Log

On April 2 at 1215 hrs, two helicopters from Myitkyina arrived at IB (142) Base; as one circled over, the other dropped supplies, in Momauk Township.

On April 5 at 1525 hrs, two helicopters from Myitkyina landed at Dawhpum Yang IB (142) Base and returned at 1535 hrs.

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