On 26 February an informal meeting was held regarding the Burma coup at the United Nations General Assembly where Special Envoy Christine Schraner Burgener called for the coup regime to be given “no legitimacy”. In an unprecedented move Burma’s UN Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun called on the international community to stand against the coup and with the democratically elected government. At the end of an emotional speech the ambassador gave the three-fingered salute for democracy, and against the military junta.
During the previous junta regime a brutal ‘four cuts’ strategy was used to cut off food, funds, intelligence, and recruits from ethnic populations living in areas with EAO presence. Entire communities were relocated, starved, deprived, and killed. In the post-coup landscape the military is deploying a similar strategy against peaceful protests. The junta regime is ‘cutting’ information, organization, resources, and peace and security. Journalists and news media who are providing accurate real-time information to Burma’s people and the international community are now being arbitrarily arrested.
The internet blackout and amended repressive legislation is targeting independent media needed to keep people informed amidst a global pandemic, night-time raids, and violent pro-junta mobs. Statements and declarations by the junta targeting unions and protesting groups are targeting the basic human rights to freely associate and recruit. The looting of food and medical supplies by security forces and confiscation of transport allegedly involved in CDM is all targeting the resources of peaceful protesters. Just like a combat operation, the military is targeting people’s peace and security, detentions, injuries and deaths continue to rise. These actions follow a criminal mentality, cities are becoming war zones, a climate of fear is taking hold once more. UN Charter Chapter VI & VII detail specific obligations and responses to threats to peace and acts of aggression which must clearly be implemented against the junta coup in Burma.
As of February 27, a total of (854) people have been arrested, charged or sentenced in relation to the military coup on February 1. Of them, (4) were convicted; (2) to two years imprisonment, (1) to three months and (1) to seven days. (61) have been charged with a warrant and are evading arrest, (83) were released. A total of (771) are still under detention or have outstanding charges/evading arrest, including the (4) sentenced. From February 1 to February 27, a total of (8) people have died from violence including at peaceful protests.
In today’s detainee list, we received and documented the names of 75 people. However, we understand hundreds of people were arrested in Rangoon and other places. We will continue to investigate these and make appropriate announcements when.
Details of events:
violent crackdowns of security forces on peaceful demonstrations
In Ha-kha Township, Chin State police violently suppressed peaceful protests against the coup using water cannons and gunfire in front of the Myanmar Economic Bank yesterday.
Whilst Ma Kay Zun Nway, journalist from Myanmar Now, was reporting a police crackdown in Myaynigone, Yangon, she was arrested. Journalists reporting crackdowns on peaceful protestors in Hledan, Yangon, were ordered to be detained by a commanding police officer there, Ko Thein Zaw of AP News, and Ko Ye Myo Khant of MPA News were arrested.
Using tear-gas the military violently suppressed peaceful protestors on Thitsar Road, Magway Township. Here at around 10am, journalist Ma Zar Zar, from the Myay Latt Journal was reporting when more than 10 people were detained along with himself, including three charity members and Chairman of the Colorful Charity Association Aung Myo Naing.
Police violently used tear gas and gunfire on peaceful protestors in Myaynigone and Sanchaung Township, 6 ethnic minority protestors from the General Strike Committee for Nationalities (GSCN) were arrested. The police were stationed on roads and streets across the Yangon today. In Sanchaung Township, they arrested people who came to protest against the military coup, in the early morning, the police stationed at Hledan Center and under Hledan Bridge in Yangon, and cracked down using tear gas and gunfire constantly, then arrested the protester by beating. The police followed and arrested the peaceful protests even in the lanes. Police came and blocked the University Avenue Road where the State Counselor and US Embassy resided. Policeforce cracked down and arrested the protestors who were protesting against the military coup downtown, nearest the Sule Pagoda.
Around 10:30am near the Ocean Center in Yangon’s Tamwe Township, people campaigning ‘Do Not Buy’ military products were arrested by several police and military. Approximately 100 youth protesters were trapped in the center as military and police cars blocked it off and three police detention cars were packed full of detainees. As residents in that area asked for the release of these people, they were dispersed by using tear gas canisters. Those arrested in Rangoon were taken to Insein Prison in 10 police detention cars this evening, according to local residents near Insein Prison.
While peaceful protestors were marching from Ngwe Taung Monastery, 38th Street, 86th Street, Maha Aung Myay Township, Mandalay, many military and police vehicles and policemen violently subdued peaceful protestors. In Pakokku Town, security forces opened fire onto the crowd and arrested 15 people protesting against the military dictatorship. At 9:00am, a woman was shot and another woman was injured when the military assaulted the protestors on the corner of Martyr’s Road and Bogyoke Road, Pakokku, Magway Region. The woman shot and 13 protestors were taken to Battalion 259 near Pakokku.
In Monywa Township, peaceful protests against the coup in front of the Pyatha Monastery were violently suppressed with water cannon, rubber bullets, rubber batons. Some protestors were injured and some including Ko Ko Lay, founder of Monywa Gay Zet News were arrested. At 1:00pm in Monywa Town, people were injured when the police and military vehicles opened fire to disperse the crowd protesting near Chindwin Yadanar Market for the release of detained students and teachers. Today, Dr. Myat Thuzar Khin from Monywa was hit by a bullet fired by police and military. She was injured in her cervix and is in critical condition. Police and military used live ammunition, injuring scores of people. Some 300 people were arrested and police and military tied up and beat them. Roads across Monywa have been closed off by the military and police units.
This morning in Sagaing Town, the police and military raided a house keeping medical supplies for a 200-bed hospital in Sagaing. These oxygen bottles, masks, hand gels, and PPE were donated by local residents including Daw Khin Kyi Foundation.
In Yay Township, Mon State, some government departments staff joined a protest against the coup with 3000 others, 40 policemen led by a township police chief arrived to disperse the peaceful crowd. The junta cracked down on peaceful protests by opening gunfire and using tear-gas in Dawei Township, Tanintharyi Region. The military junta violently cracked down on peaceful protestors and arrested and beat them even in residents’ houses, and destroyed the properties such as cars and motorbikes in Myeik Township, Tanintharyi Region. Moreover, the military junta created unrest and instability with arson attacks on residents’ houses even in the daytime and seized protestors’ motorcycles, telling them to hand over 50,000 Kyat if they wanted them returned. At Myothit Tada Oo in Myeik Township, police vehicles hit out at residents’ motorcycles and arrested residents.
In the early morning at Waimaw Town, Kachin State, two women including a primary school headmistress were arrested after police and soldiers had suppressed a protest.
Last night, security forces arrived at Hla Htate Khaung (1) Street, Wunna Thiri Ward, Zabuthiri Township in Naypyidaw with 10 vehicles including a police detention car and arrested a civil servant from the Department of Mines, a civil servant from the Department of Culture and two civil servants from Petroleum Products Inspection Department and Thar Htoo Restaurant owner and Min Khant Restaurant Owner. They also stole beer and alcohol from restaurants and it was later discovered 20 motorcycles were stolen using a crane.
After the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Representative Committee (CRPH) formed by 2020 election winning Hluttaw representatives urged the formation of village administrations in each village, the People’s Administration Committee in Monywa was created and led by Amyotha Hluttaw MP Daw Thida Win, two members of the Regional Hluttaw, lawyers, teachers, civil society organizations, politicians, 10 members. Monywa was the first town to form a People’s Administration Committee.
A policeman from the Ka Nyut Kwin Police Station in Phyu Township, Bago Region, who participated in civil disobedience movement (CDM), said he would deny the police his arrest and only serve when the elected government restored the power, he is currently evading detention. Daw Sandar Win, wife of Ko Min Thar Gyi (a.k.a U Thein Soe) who was arrested on 12 February for participating in a protest against the military coup in Pathein Township, Ayeyarwady Region, was arrested on the evening of 27 February by three non-uniformed persons. The detainees, including Ko Min Thar Gyi, were charged under section 25 of the Natural Disaster Management Law. Some detainees’ hearing was held by video conference, said relatives of the detainees.
Daw Win Mya Mya, a member of the National League for Democracy (NLD), elected to the Pyithu Hluttaw constituency in Sint Kaing Township, Mandalay Region was sitting in front of the NLD office on 62nd Street, when she and U Aye Thein, executive committee member were arrested by police and military personnel at around 10am on February 27.
At 8pm on 26 February, the following organizations were announced as unlawful associations by the Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV). There were the All Burma Federation of Trade Unions, Workers-to-Workers Support Group, Future Light Center, Action Labour Right, All Myanmar Trade Union Network, Agriculture Freedom of Myanmar, Association for Labour Development, Labour Power Group, Federation of General Worker Myanmar, Freedom and Labour Action Group, We Generation, Yaung Chi Oo Workers Association, Solidarity Trade Union of Myanmar (STUM), Cooperation Committee of Trade Union (CCTU), Myanmar Petroleum Workers Labour Federation (MPWLF), and Industrial Women Workers Organization (IWWO).
AAPP will continue to keep you informed of verified daily arrests, charges and sentences in relation to coup, and update our lists to the details of these alleged offences. If you receive any information about arrests/detentions of CSO leaders, activists, journalists, civilians and workers who have joined in CDM in relation to the military and police crackdown on dissent. Please submit to the following addresses:
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Download link for Recent Arrests List (Last Updated on 27 Feb 21)
Download link 27-Feb-2021 Update (Information)
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