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26 Feb 2021 Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup

February 26th, 2021  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  7 minute read
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Updated 26 February 2021

Security forces violently cracked down and arrested protesters across Burma’s states and regions today, including Yangon. The junta used tear gas, flash bang grenades, rubber bullets, water cannons, heavy sticks and live rounds against the peaceful protests in particular in Yangon (Myaynigone, Hledan, Hlaing Station Road, Kabaraye Pagoda Road in front of Myanmar Plaza), Mandalay (62nd street in front of Manaw Ranman Playground, between 38 street and 78 street, 35 street in front of Mya Taung Monastery, 78 street in front of Diamond Plaza), Naypyidaw, and Ngape Town in Magway Region. In the midst of such violent acts of suppression, domestic reporters including one Japanese reporter and protesters were detained and many injuries occurred.

The civil servants participating in civil disobedience movement (CDM) and other anti-military dictatorship protests are being threatened by township administrative council and other officials. During the night security forces raid houses and arbitrarily arrest protestors, activists, politicians and CDM participants under the guise of security. The continued filing of lawsuits and arrest warrants, in tandem with violent suppression against peaceful protesters by military and police has intended to fuel unrest since the beginning of the coup. 8 civilians are confirmed dead and many more have suffered injuries as of 26 February.

The military coup regime is committing

  • Violent suppression with weapons, vehicles, and personnel against demonstrations
  • Pro-military counterprotest mobs to spark riots using knives, slingshots and sharp objects aimed at peaceful protesters
  • Releasing prisoners via amnesty create the instability within communities
  • Security forces murdering and committing terrorism at night against a public who tries to form their own security,
  • Amendments to legal framework oppress the public and commit injustice with distorted laws,
  • Internet blackouts and slowing down internet speed as well as arrests of the independent media

The coup junta is VIOLATING international standards of human rights, fundamental principles of armed forces are not being followed. The junta TERRORIZES the general public just as it does in the conflict zones.

Moreover, the junta-appointed Union Election Commission and political parties held a meeting in Naypyidaw on 26 February. 53 of some 91 political parties attended the meeting. During the meeting, the junta-appointed Chairman of the Union Election Commission announced the 2020 general election result, which the National League for Democracy won by a landslide, is not valid. This is an irrational rejection of the people’s will in the 2020 election, it is merely part of the junta regime’s attempts to hold on to power.

In Yangon’s Kyaukmyaung Gyi quarter, Aungmingalar street, Tamwe township, armed forces raided the area, shots were directed at people demonstrating against the coup appointed local administrator, and dispersing people were arrested during the night of 25th February. The police blocked Banyardala road and Maukone road (leading to Yuzana Plaza) and hundreds of troops from military battalion 77 in a convoy of trucks, police vehicles and ten water cannons violently shot at and abducted people along the roads. Gunfire was recorded at 5:45pm and at 7:00pm. Accurate numbers of the detentions are to be confirmed, though 15 passengers waiting at Aungmingalar Bus Stop and some 10 passengers were arrested according to residents.

violent crackdowns of security forces on peaceful demonstrations

On the 26 February morning, armed security crushed peaceful protests and arrested demonstrators in Myaynigone and Hledan, Yangon Region. By around 11am some 40 vehicles including police vehicles, military vehicles, and cranes, and over 100 security forces violently cracked down and arrested the protestors including two journalists in Myaynigone. Whilst reporting these brutal events, a Japanese reporter, named Yuki Kitazumi was forcibly detained, he was released from Sanchaung police station in the evening. Around 300 armed personnel stationed on Pyay Road and Hledan Bridge, opened fire on protestors at around 11am in Hledan. By 1:30pm, at least three protesters were arrested following  10 flash bang grenades thrown at protesters on Hlaing Station Road, Yangon.

From 2:00pm today, armed security forces simultaneously cracked down at four anti-dictatorship gathering points for protesters, injuries and abductions were widespread. Live ammunition was used, and a man was shot and injured. The armed personnel also ordered cars in the street to stop and they were arrested.

Anti-coup protesters on 80-Foot Road, Pyinmana Town, Naypyidaw, conducted a sit-down protest during the afternoon. Security forces dispersed the protest using gunfire, at least 20 people were arrested and some 30 motor bikes were seized. According to reports, some residents not involved in the protests were among the detained.

At around 8am on 25 February, Ko Wai Lu, a philanthropist who had been issued with an arrest warrant under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code, was detained at the Padan Police Station. Residents protested to demand his release all night in front of the Ngape Township Police Station. At around 10:30am while residents were still protesting, security forces violently suppressed the crowds and fired tear gas, 2 residents received head injuries.

Daw Mar Mar Khaing, Member of Parliament of the Mon State, from Thaton Township, and her husband Nyan Tun were taken by members of the township administration office in relation to involvement in the protest movement against the military coup, residents were then told the  police had arrested them on February 25. The residents heard they were detained at the Thaton Joint Office so residents asked for permission to search for them, but they did not find anything, so residents filed a missing persons lawsuit at the Thaton Police Station.

U Min Thu, Chairman of the NLD Naypyidaw Council was arrested at around 2am on 26 February. Daw Nilar Thein, of 88 Generation Peace and Open Society, Pyithu Hluttaw MP for Mingalardon Township Daw Khin Myat Thu, former political prisoner U Aye Thwin, member of National League for Democracy U Htun Htun Win, and three persons including Dr. Kyaw Zaw Win, a total of (7) persons, filed a lawsuit under Section 505(a) of the Penal Code.

Chin State Chief Minister, Salai Lyan Lwe, State Hluttaw Speaker, U Zo Bwe, State Hluttaw Deputy Speaker U Htike Htam, Municipal Minister U Soe Htet and Minister of Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population U Fwe; were among five of those detained since the 1 February coup to be released this morning.

Three detained ministers from Magwe Region: the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation, the Minister of Labour, the Chin Ethnic Affairs Minister as well as regional attorney generals were released after signing a confession on 25 February. The confession made three points: (i) not to encourage CDM, (ii) not to participate in CDM, (iii) and to comply with the laws regulated by the coup council. The residents strongly condemn and against that confession as it is highly criticized.

On 24 February, a total of 14 Karen State Hluttaw office staff including 12 junior clerks, 1 driver and 1 security, were issued with a statement saying that staff who participate in CDM would be temporarily dismissed in accordance with the article 170 of the Civil Service Law.

As of February 25, a total of (771) people have been arrested, charged or sentenced in relation to the military coup on February 1. Of them, (4) were convicted; (2) to two years imprisonment, (1) to three months and (1) to seven days. (61) have been charged with a warrant and are evading arrest, (82) were released. A total of (689) are still under detention or have outstanding charges/evading arrest, including the (4) sentenced. From February 1 to February 25, a total of (8) people have died from violence including at peaceful protests.

AAPP will continue to keep you informed of verified daily arrests, charges and sentences in relation to coup, and update our lists to the details of these alleged offences.

If you receive any information about arrests/detentions of CSO leaders, activists, journalists, civilians and workers who have joined in CDM in relation to the military and police crackdown on dissent. Please submit to the following addresses:

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Download link for Recent Arrests List (Last Updated on 26 Feb 21)

In Solidarity,


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