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Deaths and Injuries from the Crackdowns on Protests (2021)

February 25th, 2021  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  8 minute read
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Since the 1 February coup, anti-coup peaceful protests have been brutally cracked down by military and police. In such violent crackdowns, real and rubber bullets, tear gas, as well as water cannon, Kone Thee (a steel material with triangular shape) have been directed towards the public.

Sling-shots and other debris were seen scattered across residential roads. Hence there have been many documented injuries and deaths from the crackdowns. Along with this the junta regime have been attempting to foment instability amongst activists and the movement. From 1 February to the 24, there have been eight confirmed deaths and many more serious injuries.

In another incident, 32 years old Ko Na Pwar (a.k.a Ko Ko Oo), was killed when pro-military thugs deliberately hit with their car at night in Mandalay on 8 February. Some unrest was also being ignited at night, on 15 February evening, 18-years old Maung Nay Nay Win Htet was beaten on his head to death while guarding a ward security in Myeik, Tanintharyi Region,

In Naypyidaw, a 21-year old eleventh grade studentMa Mya Thwae Thwae Khaing, was shot in the head with live ammunition and passed away some days later on 19 February.

In Mandalay City Maung Waiyan Tun, a 16-year old boy was shot in the head, his head blown off, pronounced dead on the spot on 20 February. Ko Thet Naing Win (a.k.a Ko Min Min) was shot dead in his back and abdomen on the same day. On 20 February, 38-year old U Kyi Soe was beaten to death with head injuries on Strand Road, Mandalay Region in a crackdown on demonstrations.

In Yangon Region, 30 years old Ko Tin Htut Hein, was shot while guarding ward security in Ta/15 Quarter, Shwepyithar township resulting in death at that spot on 20 February.

26 years old Ko Yar Zar Aung, was arrested and detained in Mandalay after being shot in the knee during the brutal crackdown on 20 February by security forces. The crackdown was in the Mandalay Yadanarbon Shipyard of Domestic Transportation, he died on 24 February after receiving no medical treatment in the Mandalay Military Hospital, Patheingyi Township.

The following incidents detail:

On February 9, peaceful anti-coup protests in Naypyitaw were suppressed using water cannon, rubber bullets and live ammunition resulting in four injured persons. Among them, Ma Mya Thawe Thawe Khaing, 21-years old, on 19 February later died from gunshot wounds to the head.

(9 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(19 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

In Mandalay City between 73th and 38th street the police force dispersed anti-coup protests by using water cannons and teargas. This led to a riot between the police and protectors, which thus led to casualties.

(9 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

In Mawlamyine town, Mon State, the police cracked-down with rubber bullets against the Mawlamyine Student Union Strike on 12 FebruaryFive students were injured and nine students arrested. A video showing the arbitrary arrest of a protestor by the police went viral. In another video, the police force was seen forcibly interrogating and  abducting a protestor.

(12 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(12 February 2021, Irrawaddy/Burmese)

On 14 February in Myitkyina town, Kachin State, the military stormed Dabat Power Plant in Mankhin Ward, thus, the residents demanded the security personnel leave. However, the soldiers shot at night causing some residents to be injured and five journalists were detained. The five journalists were released after signing confessions the next day.

(14 February 2021, BBC, social media/Burmese)

(15 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

In the evening of 15 February, protests in front of Myanmar Economic Bank 1 and 2 between 26(B) road and 81-82 road, in Mandalay were violently suppressed by the police and military. It is reported (exact numbers to be confirmed) that casualties and dentations reached 15 civilians during the violent crack-down by the authorities.

(15 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

(15 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

Moreover, the police violently suppressed the public peacefully protesting at Takhuntine circle on Yangon-Mandalay Highway on 15 February evening resulting in some civilians injured.

(15 February, 2021/Soe Zaya Tun Social Media/Burmese)

On 16 February, headmaster of basic school, U Htet Waiyan Kyaw from Taungkaloh village, Myaungmya town, Ayeyarwaddy Region, was arrested on the way back from a CDM demonstration. Around 30,000 people grouped together demanding the release of the detained in front of Myaungmya prison. While protesting, the police violently dispersed the crowd by using water cannons, throwing tear gas and shooting with rubber bullets. Ten civilians were injured and two civilians were arrested.

(16 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(16 February 2021, Htet Myet Aung Social Media/Burmese)

At about 8:30pm on 16 February, the police and military stormed a house for banging pots and pans in a quarter of Chanmyatharsi Township, Mandalay, and a man sustained injuries.

(17 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

In Mandalay City, railways have stopped running since 8 February to participate in the civil disobedience movement. On 17 February, the army arrested the railway drivers at gunpoint, U Zaw Ko Ko Maung, U Thant Zin and other two drivers from Meikhtila Central Transportation School in order to force them to drive the trains. The general public in Mandalay protested and demanded the release of the drivers on 16 February afternoon.  When it came to night time, the police and the military shot fire many times towards the staff housing of the Mandalay Central Railway  Station and one staff member from the housing was injured. They also shot towards a Charity Dari Social Welfare Association Office near the station, a youth member was injured and two charity vehicles were hit by bullets.

(18 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(18 February 2021, Irrawaddy/Burmese)

(18 February 2021, RFA/Burmese) 

In the morning of 19 February, the police beat and forcibly arrested two female teachers when the teachers were gathering in front of Myitkyina Education College, Kachin State to take part in CDM. The protestors were blocked by the police nearby Myitkyina Myoma market and 11 civilians were detained. The police directed slingshots towards the public who took photographs for record. The detained two female teachers and 11 civilians were reportedly released in the evening. Releasing them, the two teachers got injuries due to beatings and Daw Aye Aye Kyin Sein, one of them, was beaten to the point of her wrist breaking.

(19 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(19 February 2021,RFA/Burmese)

On 20 February in Mandalay, security forces overrun Yadanarbon Shipyard of Domestic Transportation and forced civil servants participating in CDM to work. The residents thus gathered to protest when they  were then brutally crackdown by security forces. The police and the military directed more than 100 gunshots towards the protestors. Not just rubber bullets but also live ammunition, as well as tear gas. The security forces used slingshots against the crowds loaded with Kone Thee (a metal object in triangular shape of steel). This metal was scattered along the road in order to harm the dispersing people. two civilians were killed, ones head was blown off. According to initial reports (to be confirmed), 35 civilians were badly injured and 17 are in critical condition. Among the injured, one was hit in the abdomen by live ammunition. An elderly woman was beaten and her head broken by the police and the military. Another man was also shot in the buttock. The detained victims number around 20 and some social relief vehicles were shot at as well. Moreover, Ko Kyi Soe, 38 years old, died due to head injuries caused by being beaten during a demonstration at Strand Road.

(20 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

(20 February 2021, Myanmar Now/Burmese)

(20 February 2021, RFA/ Burmese) 

(21 February 2021, 7 Days/Burmese)

(20 February 2021, Irrawaddy/Burmese)

(23 February 2021, VOM/Burmese)

On February 20 at around 11:45pm, Ko Tin Htut Hein, 30 years old, was shot dead while standing guard in Ta/15 Quarter, Shwepyithar township in Yangon Region. According to one source, three shots came from a police car entering the quarter and hit the victim’s head.

(20 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

On 22 February, the general public protested peacefully to recognize the significant 22222 date but the movement was cracked down with five police cars, a water cannon, two police vans and a military vehicle. Six engineers and 193 members of the general public were arrested and 266 motorbikes and eight cars were seized.

(22 February 2021, Myanmar Now/Burmese)

(22 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

At about 8 pm on 22 February in Myitkyina, Kachin State, children who came out of the house to see the military vehicles were slingshot from a military vehicle. A 5-year-old child suffered head bruises.

(22 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

At about 12:30 pm on 23 February in Myitkyina, Kachin State, slingshot fire from a military vehicle were directed towards the peaceful protestors riding motorbikes resulting in a young woman being injured.

(23 February 2021, RFA social media/Burmese)

On 24 February, security forces stormed and dispersed protestors who were peacefully demonstrating in front of the Japanese Embassy on Nat Mauk Road in Yangon.

(24 February 2021, DVB/Burmese)

Ko Yar Zar Aung (26 years), was arrested and detained in Mandalay after being shot in the knee during the brutal crackdown on 20 February by security forces. The crackdown was in the Mandalay Yadanarbon Shipyard of Domestic Transportation, he died on 24 February after receiving no medical treatment in the Mandalay Military Hospital, Patheingyi Township.

(24 February 2021, Khit Thit Social Media/Burmese)

(24 February 2021, RFA/Burmese)

In Solidarity,


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