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Asia Pacific Humanitarian Snapshot – 9-15 February 2021

February 15th, 2021  •  Author:   United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  •  1 minute read
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ROAP Snapshot 210216


In northern Shan State, fighting between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) or between EAOs continued in several townships during the reporting period. Over 50 people were reportedly displaced in Mansan Village in Namtu Township following armed clashes that broke out between the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) and the allied forces of the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army on 13 February. Further clashes were reported between the MAF and RCSS/SSA in Hsipaw Township on 10 February, followed by clashes on 11 February between the MAF and the SSPP in Kutkai and Muse townships. The new displacement is in addition to around 1,070 people who remain displaced in three sites in Kyaukme Township due to the armed clashes since early January. Around 9,700 people remain in situations of protracted displacement in northern Shan. Meanwhile, the UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Myanmar reiterated the UN’s and its partners’ strong commitment to continue delivering humanitarian assistance and COVID-19 related response to around 1 million people targeted under the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan in line with the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence.

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