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Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup

February 10th, 2021  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  4 minute read
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Updated 9 February 2021

Demonstrations against the dictatorship  continued today in Rangoon Region and across the country. People were injured as the police forcibly cracked down on the protests. Police fired water cannons leaving some with injuries in Rangoon, Bago, Magway, Naypyidaw, and Mandalay cities.

At around 4pm in Naypyidaw, riot police shot at peaceful protesters demonstrating against the military coup and for recognition of the legitimate 8 November 2020 elected government. A woman called Myat Thwet Thwet Khaing was shot in the head, she did not desire Burma to return to dictatorship, she defended her vote with her life and is currently seeking critical medical treatment. An x-ray image shows a bullet in Myat Thwet Thwet Khaing head. Live ammunition should never be used against civilians peacefully protesting, but it is in Burma right now.

Approximately 20 protesters were injured in Naypyidaw, 5 of these are receiving treatment, two women including Myat Thwet Thwet Khaing are in critical condition. Section 5(b) of Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials states police must “minimize damage and injury, and respect and preserve human life”, firing real or rubber bullets is not minimising damage or preserving life.

Chapter VII of the 2008 Constitution Article 353 declares “nothing shall, except in accord with existing laws, be detrimental to the life and personal freedom of any person”. Per the 2008 constitution, the military coup is illegitimate and these violent acts unlawful.

Real and rubber  bullets are not the only tool the Burma police are targeting peaceful protestors with, tear-gas and water tanks are being used to methodically disperse crowds. These high-powered machines blind, bleed, suffocate, and severely bruise and have been deployed across the country since the civil disobedience movement began.

The international community must make sure the military abides by international standards on human rights and returns power to the democratically elected government.

In the early morning, police raided a Monywa Town youth center managed by the Sagaing Region Youth Affairs Committee and searched for the youths who participated in the protest. They were not found. A police officer from Nay Pyi Taw, three members of the police force from Magway Township, and a policeman from Myeik Township, Tanintharyi Region turned to participate with the people in their respective township protests.

As for arrests on February 9. Amyotha Hluttaw MP Kyaw Thaung from Sagaing Region, Mayor Dr. Ye Lwin, three civilians Sann Htun, Thet Paing Hmue and Si Thu Phyo, and 30 people including Ba Gyi Aung who is as a reporter with DVB from Mandalay Region, 13 people including Nyunt Shwe who is a Bago Regional MP, two civilians Thein Lwin and Aung Ko Htut from Bago Region, Magway Regional MP Pike Ko, NLD Vice-chairman Myo Maw, activist Myo Zaw Htwe from Pakokku Township, Magway Region, Min Aung and Thant Zin Phyo who are members of the NLD from the Taungup Township, Rakhine Region,  NLD member Myint Soe from Kyaing Tong Township, Shan State; were all arrested for various reasons. Moreover, Htun Lin Aung, who is a member of the police force and gave a speech saying “I will be by your side” was arrested for his involvement in the Myeik Township demonstration, Tanintharyi Region.

Regarding arrests on February 8 now verified, Dr. Aye Zan, Chief Minister of Mon Region was re-arrested whilst under house detention. Kyaw Kyaw Moe, NLD Joint-Secretary of Kalay Township, Sagaing Region, NLD member Kyaw Myint, and Tint Swe chairman of the Mizzima Charity Association from Tachileik Township, Shan State, Kyaw Zaya member of the Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC) from Mandalay Region, and former political prisoner Myint Htay from Taunggyi Township, Shan State were arrested for a variety of reasons. Also, 4 youths who are evading capture for participating in demonstrations were charged in absentia under Natural Disaster Management Law in Putao Township, Kachin State.

The 8pm symbolic peaceful “Drumming out of Evil” protest continued across the country in opposition to the military junta. Accordingly, as of February 9, a total of (190) people have been arrested and detained in relation to the military coup on February 1. Of them, (2) were sentenced to two years imprisonment and (19) were released. A total of (171) are still under detention, including the (2) sentenced.

AAPP will continue to keep you informed of verified daily arrests, charges and sentences in relation to coup, and update our lists to the details of these alleged offences.


In Solidarity,


Recent Arrested list Recent Arrests List (Last Updated on 9 Feb 21)final

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