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New Zealand takes measures against Myanmar following military coup

February 9th, 2021  •  Author:   New Zealand Government  •  2 minute read
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Foreign Minister Hon Nanaia Mahuta today announced fundamental changes to New Zealand’s relationship with Myanmar following last week’s military coup.

“Aotearoa New Zealand is deeply concerned at the coup in Myanmar. We do not recognise the legitimacy of the military-led government and we call on the military to immediately release all detained political leaders and restore civilian rule.

“As a result of these concerns, New Zealand is suspending all high-level political and military contact with Myanmar,” Nanaia Mahuta said.

“I have also directed that New Zealand’s aid programme to Myanmar should not include projects that are delivered with, or benefit, the military government.

“The Government has also agreed to implement a travel ban, to be formalised in the coming week, on Myanmar’s military leaders.

“In addition, New Zealand has joined other countries calling for a special session at the United Nations Human Rights Council on Myanmar to raise our concerns regarding the military coup and the impact on human rights. The rule of law and the democratic will of the people of Myanmar must be respected.

“Along with our partners in the international community, New Zealand is closely monitoring the situation in Myanmar. We welcome the statements of the G7 and the United Nations Security Council condemning the military’s seizure of power.”

Original post.