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Daily Briefing in Relation to the Military Coup

February 6th, 2021  •  Author:   Assistance Association for Political Prisoners  •  2 minute read
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Updated 6 February 2021

From 9am today, widespread anti-coup protests began with thousands gathering at landmarks in Rangoon. Even though they confronted authorities, there were no rioting and protest leaders were seen to be peaceful. No arrests were made in Rangoon. AAPP will continue monitoring the situation. The authorities watched these protests closely, and an internet blackout was enacted over Burma. By the afternoon, protests spread to other regions in Burma including Mandalay and Tenasserim Regions. In the evening the crowd dispersed peacefully with the internet blackout still in place. The 8pm symbolic peaceful “Drumming out of Evil” continued across the country in opposition to the military junta.

According to the latest information on arrests and charges against political detainees, it is confirmed that Pe Myint, Minister for Information, was arrested on February 1. Mr. Sean Turnell, Economic Adviser to State Counsellor (Daw) Aung San Suu Kyi, is also currently being held. In response to peacefully protesting the military coup, activists and students from different backgrounds were arrested, charged and sentenced.

On February 4, Zu Zu Zan, Aung Myo Ko, and Htoo Khant Thaw were charged in Mandalay under the Peaceful Assembly and Peaceful Procession Law Section 19 for protesting the coup.

On February 5, Maung Gyi, Chairman of the United Nationalities Democratic Party, was arrested, charged and sentenced to two years under Penal Code Section 505(b) for staging a protest against the military coup in Hpa-an Township, Karen State. And on February 6, Thar Htet Aung and Wai Phyo Hein from Pakokku Township, Magway Division, Nway Moe Saung from Karen State’s Myawaddy Town, Khin Htate Htar Hlaing, Han Min Soe and Aye Mi Mi Khaing from Arakan State’s Munaung Town, were detained for protesting the junta’s coup.

Therefore, from February 1 till now, a total of (164) people have been arrested and detained. Out of them, (2) were sentenced to two years imprisonment and (12) were released. A total of (152) are still under detention, including the (2) sentenced.

AAPP will continue to keep you informed of verified daily arrests, charges and sentences in relation to coup, and update our lists to the details of these alleged offences.

In Solidarity,
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