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Statement on International Human Solidarity Day 2020 “A call to End Inhuman Atrocities against Ethnic Rohingya and Other Minorities of Burma”

December 20th, 2020  •  Author:   Coalition of Rohingya Organizations in Malaysia  •  4 minute read

20 December, people around the world remark as International Human Solidarity Day with some core objectives to celebrate unity in diversity, to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements, to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity, to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, including poverty eradication and as a day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty alleviation.

Burmese Government has not been respecting human values even being a member state of the United Nations which was created to draw the peoples and nations of the world together to promote peace, human rights and social and economic development with basic promise of unity and harmony among its members, expressing in the concept of collective security that relies on the solidarity of its members to unite “to maintain international peace and security.”

Since 19th April 1948, Burma/Myanmar has been a member of the United Nations and hence she is obliged to respect United Nations Charter and all principles and treaties to which she is party to.

But, in Burma/Myanmar, all level of authorities are grossly involved in undermining common objectives of the creation of the United Nations that lead to inhuman atrocities against indigenous Rohingya Arakanese and other ethnic minorities like Chin, Kachin, Karen, Karenni, Kuki, Mon, Naga, Pa-O, Palaung, Rakhaing, Shan and etc.

For decades, entire Burmese people have been deprived of even enjoying basic and fundamental rights such as right to safety and surety by way of unilateral rulings of the Government and hence people have been struggling to transform the government into the Genuine Federal Democratic System, meanwhile, calling it to halt human rights violations and to ensure peace and stability.

Through the peoples’ struggle, including the Rohingya, National League for Democracy (NLD), has managed to secure absolute majority votes to form new administration in recent apartheid election on 8 November 2020 in which it disenfranchised ethnic Rohingya as a whole, while an estimated 1.5 million voters from ethnic minorities including Rakhaing, Rohingya, Chin and etc. are not allowed to participate in the election, ostensibly because of security concerns, disregarding the voting rights of the people in the name of conflict zones. If the Government of Burma/Myanmar is really in belief of democracy, NLD must turned back to its original commitment National Reconciliation by ensuring the Rights of Self-Determination to ethnic minorities as denoted in the United Nations Charter.

In this regard, we call upon entire people of Burma, regardless of race, religion, color and etc. to express strong Human Solidarity for an urgent ending of inhuman atrocities by ensuring equal rights to every single national of the country through the amendment of 1982 Citizenship Law for the restatement of Rohingya’s national status without further delay.

We also call of the world populations for global solidarity to exert effective pressure on Burmese Government to rebuild Burma with International Standard Mechanism, while ending inhuman atrocities against indigenous ethic Rohingya and other minorities of Burma.

We request both of International and Regional communities, especially the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) to have effective engagement on Burma issue to stop occupation of Arakan Natural Resources and find durable solution to the plight of Rohingya and other minorities of Burma, especially the issue of Arakan and its peoples’ Sovereignty. ##

For more details, please feel free to contact us at:

Mr. Mohammad Sadek (English/Burmese)                            Tel: +60163094599

Mr. Mohammad Islam (Bahasa Melayu/Arabic/Urdu)      Tel: +60195966998

Mr. Mohammed Rafique (Bahasa Melayu)                           Tel: +60107875139

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

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