Statement 991 Views

Joint Statement by National and International Arakan Organizations on Humanitarian Aid Restriction Responses in Arakan State

September 30th, 2020  •  Author:   309 Organization  •  12 minute read
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September 30, 2020

We undersigned call on United Nations Security Council members to take all necessary steps to ensure the immediate and unconditional access of Aid Agencies in order to resume their humanitarian response in Rakhine and Chin States.

  1. We echo our support to the statement of U.N. Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Myanmar dated on September 8, 2020 that expressed concern of continued civilian casualties and called on the Myanmar government to allow humanitarian access to the affected areas despite of the challenge faced over the recent surge of locally transmission of COVID-19 in Rakhine State.
  2. We reiterate our support to the UNICEF’s statement on the Myanmar dated on September 10, 2020 and the calls on the Myanmar military and Arakan Army to ‘protect children and all time keep them out of harm’s way,’ following the incident on September 8 in Nyaung Ken village, Myebon township, where two children were killed and injured another child from the motor shell fire.
  3. We welcome the statement of eight members of U.N Security Council on September 11, 2020, in which the members called on the Myanmar ‘for safe, full, and unhindered humanitarian access to all vulnerable populations and the full restoration of internet access in the affected areas.’
  4. We support the U.N. Human Rights Council Forty-fifth session and the annual report dated on September 14, 2020 that called on the Government of Myanmar to “Immediate extend the ceasefire throughout the country and end violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including all restrictions on humanitarian access.”
  5. We welcome the statement from Embassy of Canada in Myanmar dated on September 21, 2020 that expressed concern at the increase of civilian casualties and displacements invoked by ongoing conflict between the Arakan Army and the Myanmar military in Rakhine and Chin States, and the calls for full humanitarian access to for those affected.
  6. We welcome the statement of U.N. Special Rapporteur on human rights situation in Myanmar, Thomas Andrews, dated on September 22, 2020 and under the title of “Mounting child death toll during Rakhine village assaults must end” and the calls on the Myanmar to end targeting civilians.
  7. All the above statements are giving us hope over 200,000 international displaced persons (IDPs) have heavily relied on the humanitarian assistances provided by the U.N. agencies such as the World Food Programme, INGOs, and the local donors for many months. We thank you for all the help and support to the internally displaced in Rakhine and Chin States.
  8. However, the current restriction on the U.N. agencies and INGOs operating in Rakhine State, limits their ability to react rapidly to assistances to newly displaced as in the case of Kyauktaw and Rathedaung where approximately 20,000 villagers have fled fighting and direct attacks recently.
  9. A large IDPs living in 153 makeshift camps such as monasteries, and relative’s houses are currently facing shortage of essentials such as foods, medicines, blankets, mosquito nets, clothing, and other personal hygiene products due the statewide travel bans and stay-at-home requirements imposed by the state government and the blanket ban on U.N. agencies and INGOs access to deliver humanitarian aid since August 23.
  10. Therefore, we urge the members of U.N Security Council to take necessary steps to ensure that the Myanmar government immediately lift unnecessary restrictions and gives all aid agencies in Rakhine and Chin States access to all IDPs.

Contact Persons:

Ko Maung Maung (Canada)

Tel: +1 (778) 868 7490

Email: [email protected]

U Khine Kaung San (Sittway-Rakhine State)

Tel: +95 945 054 2895

Ko Zaw Zaw Tun (Sittway-Rakhine State)

Tel: +95 942 174 1255

Signed By

  1. International Campaign for Arakan    (USA)
  2. International Campaign for Arakan    (Norway)
  3. Arakan American Community            (USA)
  4. Arakan Information Center                 (Malaysia)
  5. Arakan-Indian Community                  (India)
  6. Arakan-Canadian Community             (Canada)
  7. Arakan-British Community                 (England)
  8. Arakan National Union                       (Japan)
  9. Arakan-Australian Community           (Australia)
  10. Arakan Community                             (Sweden)
  11. Arakan-Bangladesh Community         (Bangladesh)
  12. Bangladesh Rakhaing Students’ Council (Bangladesh)
  13. Laywadday IDP Relief Organization   (Malaysia)
  14. Wan Lark Development Foundation   (Rakhine State)
  15. Arakan Human Rights Defender and Promoter Association (Rakhine State)
  16. Arakan Student Union            (Rakhine State)
  17. Arakan Student Union            (Yangon)
  18. Amnesty Arakan Team           (Rakhine and Yangon)
  19. Rakhine Ethnic Congress        (Rakhine State)
  20. Arakan Youth Generation Network    (Rakhine State)
  21. Green Lives                                         (Rakhine State)
  22. Ohntaw Voluntary Foundation           (Rakhine State)
  23. Thandar Ranthwe Youth Generation Organization   (Rakhine State)
  24. Ramree’s Youth Network       (Rakhine State)
  25. Maramagri Youth Network    (Rakhine State)
  26. Thet Youths Development Organization        (Rakhine State)
  27. Toungup Youth Network         (Rakhine State)
  28. Saydanar Youth Organization             (Rakhine State)
  29. Ann Youth-New Generation Network            (Rakhine State)
  30. Rathedaung Youth Network               (Rakhine State)
  31. Rakhine Youth New Generation         (Rakhine State)
  32. Mro Youth Development Organization          (Rakhine State)
  33. Arakan Women New Generational Organization      (Rakhine State)
  34. Mrauk U Youth Association    (Rakhine State)
  35. Life Vigorous Club       (Rakhine State)
  36. Kenhtun Gree Youth New Generation           (Rakhine State)
  37. Kaman Ethnic Youth Union     (Rakhine State)
  38. Human Rights Education Network (Rakhine State)
  39. Arakan Natural Resources & Environment Network             (Rakhine State)
  40. People for People       (Rakhine State)
  41. The whole Arakan Farmer Union       (Rakhine State)
  42. Arakan Social Network           (Ann Township)
  43. Publuc Supporting Committee           (Ann Township)
  44. Social Development Committee        (Ann Township)
  45. Ann Social Network    (Ann Township)
  46. Ethnic People Organization                (Ann Township)
  47. Monmyat Saydanar Relief and Blood Donation         (Ann Township)
  48. Garnarchin Welfare Association        (Ann Township)
  49. Ann Township Farmer Union             (Ann Township)
  50. Future Star Education Foundation     (Ann Township)
  51. Arakan Youth Network           (Ann Township)
  52. Blood Donation Organization             (Ann Township)
  53. Saydaw Association    (Ann Township)
  54. Relief Association       (Ann Township)
  55. Former High School Student Association       (Ann Township)
  56. Yaung Chi Thit             (Ann Township)
  57. Arakan Social Network           (Pauktaw Twonship)
  58. Myanmar Social Network       (Buthidaung Twonship)
  59. May Yu Environment              (Buthidaung Twonship)
  60. Dinnet National Organization            (Buthidaung Twonship)
  61. Village Tract Development Organization       (Buthidaung Twonship)
  62. Arakan Women Network        (Buthidaung Twonship)
  63. Arakan New Generation Association                         (Buthidaung Twonship)
  64. Arakan Youth Network           (Buthidaung Twonship)
  65. Myat Parami Social Relief Association          (Gwa Township)
  66. San Saydanar Social Relief Organization       (Gwa Township)
  67. Arakan Literature and Cultural Club               (Gwa Township)
  68. Vice of Arakan News Agency             (Gwa Township)
  69. Life Vigorous Social Organization      (Gwa Township)
  70. Life Vigorous Education Support Organization          (Gwa Township)
  71. Life Vigorous Blood Donation Organization   (Gwa Township)
  72. Life Vigorous Library Club       (Gwa Township)
  73. Life Vigorous Social Club        (Gwa Township)
  74. Legal Network            (Kyauktaw Township)
  75. Emergency Relief Committee            (Kyauktaw Township)
  76. Lamp Library               (Kyauktaw Township)
  77. Shwe Garuna Volunteer and Blood Donation Club    (Kyauktaw Township)
  78. Mro Momman Social and Relief Organization          (Kyauktaw Township)
  79. Gandamar Vigorous Association        (Kyauktaw Township)
  80. Dinnet Woman Organization             (Kyauktaw Township)
  81. Poor People Development Organization        (Kyauktaw Township)
  82. National, Race, and Religion Protection Organization          (Kyauktaw Township)
  83. Saydanar Relief Organization                        (Kyauktaw Township)
  84. White-Will Charity Organization        (Kyauktaw Township)
  85. Mahar Muni Pagoda Cleaning Association    (Kyauktaw Township)
  86. The Whole Kyautaw Town Elderly Advisory   (Kyauktaw Township)
  87. Rakhine Woman Network      (Kyauktaw Township)
  88. Athletic Development Association     (Kyauktaw Township)
  89. Kyaukphyu Regional Development Association       (Kyaukphyu Township)
  90. Rakha Vigorous Club               (Kyaukphyu Townnship)
  91. No. 7 District Development Association        (Kyaukphyu Township)
  92. Gas Pipeline Watchdog Committee (Kyaukphyu Township)
  93. Thandar Land Foundation       (Kyaukphyu Township)
  94. Kyaukphyu Maragree Social Association        (Kyaukphyu Township)
  95. North Lone Star Social Organization (Kyaukphyu Township)
  96. Paramichin Foundation          (Kyaukphyu Township)
  97. No. 8 District Social Network             (Kyaukphyu Township)
  98. KSNG               (Kyaukphyu Township)
  99. SKY-Youth       (Kyaukphyu Township)
  100. Social (Yaymark Village Tract) Association   (Kyaukphyu Township)
  101. Arakan Woman Association   (Kyaukphyu Township)
  102. New Light Library Club           (Kyaukphyu Township)
  103. Arakan Youth Network           (Kyaukphyu Township)
  104. Kyauk Phyu Youth Organization          (Kyaukphyu Township)
  105. White Charity Organization    (Kyaukphyu Township)
  106. Village Tract Development Association         (Kyaukphyu Township)
  107. Muzay Village Tract Development Organization       (Kyaukphyu Township)
  108. Aung Thu Foundation             (Kyaukphyu Township)
  109. MNWF            (Maungdaw Townnship)
  110. AS                    (Maungdaw Township)
  111. Social Welfare Organization (Maungdaw Township)
  112. Woman Network        (Maungdaw Township)
  113. Maungdaw Distract Lawyer Organization     (Maungdaw Township)
  114. Western Window Youth Organization           (Maungdaw Township)
  115. Youth Network            (Minbya Township)
  116. Community Center      (Minbya Township)
  117. Kyinyakenyo Charity Oragnization      (Minbya Township)
  118. Za Foundation             (Minbya Township)
  119. Rakha Aline Dan         (Minbya Township)
  120. Chakama Indigenous Ethnic Organization     (Minbya Township)
  121. Social Welfare Association    (Minbya Township)
  122. Relief Organization    (Minbya Township)
  123. Blood Donation Organization             (Minbya Township)
  124. Water Donation Organization            (Minbya Township)
  125. Green Association      (Minbya Township)
  126. Public Relax Area Creation Organization       (Minbya Township)
  127. Education Foundation             (Minbya Township)
  128. Arakan Woman Network        (Minbya Township)
  129. Main City Library         (Minbya Township)
  130. Citizen Journalist Club            (Minbya Township)
  131. United Arakan Youth League              (Minbya Township)
  132. Social Rakhita Association     (Munaung Island)
  133. Youth Energy Association       (Munaung Island)
  134. Education Light Association   (Munaung Island)
  135. Maygha Light Youth Charity Organization     (Munaung Island)
  136. University Student Education Support Org    (Munaung Island)
  137. Arakan Youth Charity Organization    (Munaung Island)
  138. Youth Vigorous Association    (Munaung Island)
  139. Youth Relief Organization      (Munaung Island)
  140. Thike Pone Relief Organization          (Munaung Island)
  141. Library Club (Buraymyake Tract)        (Munaung Island)
  142. Library Club (Thike Pone)        (Munaung Island)
  143. Kyaukphyu Economic Watchdog         (Munaung Island)
  144. Rakhine Women Union          (Munaung Island)
  145. WANT             (Munaung Island)
  146. LC                    (Munaung Island)
  147. Garunar Wave Blood Donation Organization             (Mrauk U Twonship)
  148. Khanin Ethnic Cultural Association     (Mrauk U Twonship)
  149. ABCD               (Mrauk U Twonship)
  150. Mrauk U Youth Network         (Mrauk U Twonship)
  151. Mrauk U Education Foundation          (Mrauk U Twonship)
  152. Blood Donation Club               (Mrauk U Twonship)
  153. Aye Mya Thazin Pagoda Cleaning Association           (Mrauk U Twonship)
  154. Ba Ka School in Town Association     (Mrauk U Twonship)
  155. Relief Foundation       (Mrauk U Twonship)
  156. Arakan Woman Network        (Mrauk U Twonship)
  157. National, Race, and Religion Protection        (Mrauk U Twonship)
  158. Arakan Social Network           (Mrauk U Twonship)
  159. Arakan Woman Association   (Mrauk U Twonship)
  160. City Electric and Light Sufficient Organization          (Mrauk U Twonship)
  161. Arakan Youth Network           (Mrauk U Twonship)
  162. Young Monk Association        (Mrauk U Twonship)
  163. Asia Sun U Uttama Image Building Association       (Mrauk U Twonship)
  164. Township Water Supply Association                          (Mrauk U Twonship)
  165. Mrauk U Magazine Publication Organization            (Mrauk U Twonship)
  166. Laymyo Area Environment and Protection Organization (Mrauk U Twonship)
  167. Arakha Foundation     (Myebon Township)
  168. National Vigo Education Association                         (Myebon Township)
  169. New Sun Ray (Myebon Township)
  170. Metta and Blood Donation Organization       (Myebon Township)
  171. Garunar Narye Association    (Myebon Township)
  172. Green Lives     (Myebon Township)
  173. Mother-Home Education Charity        (Myebon Township)A
  174. rakan Woman Network        (Myebon Township)
  175. Chin Youth Relief Organization          (Myebon Township)
  176. Light and Ray              (Myebon Township)
  177. Young Monks and Youth Organization           (Myebon Township)
  178. Arakan Youth Welfare Association    (Myebon Township)
  179. Relief Association       (Pauktaw Twonship)
  180. Relief Organization    (Pauktaw Twonship)
  181. Hospital Electricity Sufficient Association     (Pauktaw Twonship)
  182. Student Union             (Pauktaw Twonship)
  183. Swe Pan Htit Relief Organization      (Pauktaw Twonship)
  184. Tri-Moto-Cycle Relief Association      (Pauktaw Twonship)
  185. National, Race, and Religion Protection Organization (Pauktaw Twonship)
  186. Arakan Social Network           (Pauktaw Twonship)
  187. Dinnet (Chakama) Youth Development Organization (Ponnangyun Township)
  188. Mro Cultural Organization      (Ponnangyun Township)
  189. Khami National Party             (Ponnangyun Township)
  190. Environmental Clean Association       (Ponnangyun Township)
  191. U Rike Maye Social Organization       (Ponnangyun Township)
  192. Environment Protection Association              (Ponnangyun Township)
  193. Free Land Association            (Ponnangyun Township)
  194. Khami Vigorous Foundation               (Ponnangyun Township)
  195. Relief Association       (Ponnangyun Township)
  196. Ziwidana Blood Donation Association           (Ponnangyun Township)
  197. Arakan Woman Martial Arts Association      (Ponnangyun Township)
  198. Woman Network        (Ponnangyun Township)
  199. Arakan Youth Network           (Ponnangyun Township)
  200. Korantaung Social Welfare    (Ramree Townhsip)
  201. Relief Association       (Ramree Townhsip)
  202. RTDO               (Ramree Townhsip)
  203. Ramree Main City Library Club           (Ramree Townhsip)
  204. Arakan National Network (Laydon District)   (Ramree Townhsip)
  205. Farmer Network         (Ramree Townhsip)
  206. Laywaddy Kula Rakhita           (Ramree Townhsip)
  207. Thabuchine Youth Association           (Ramree Townhsip)
  208. Myinmu Chuang Youth Association    (Ramree Townhsip)
  209. Tharyargone Youth Association          (Ramree Townhsip)
  210. Laywaddy Foundation             (Ramree Townhsip)
  211. Chungphya Youth Relief Association              (Ramree Townhsip)
  212. Koren South Development Association          (Ramree Townhsip)
  213. Blood Donation Association   (Ramree Townhsip)
  214. Ramerwaddy Development Organization      (Ramree Townhsip)
  215. Lamukree Village Social Development Org   (Ramree Townhsip)
  216. Kyauk Chung Distract Development Org        (Ramree Townhsip)
  217. Konebung Village Youth Association              (Ramree Townhsip)
  218. Muzay Island Development Organization      (Rathedaung Township)
  219. Welfare Association (Zardipyin)        (Rathedaung Township)
  220. Township Relief Association              (Rathedaung Township)
  221. May Yu Social Welfare Organization                         (Rathedaung Township)
  222. Arakan Youth Network           (Rathedaung Township)
  223. Arakan Woman Association   (Rathedaung Township)
  224. Khanin Social Organization    (Rathedaung Township)
  225. Blood Donation Club   (Rathedaung Township)
  226. Lateral Garden            (Buthedaung Township)
  227. Mayukim Area Development Organization    (Rathedaung Township)
  228. Ararike River-No Drunken Association           (Rathedaung Township)
  229. Education Foundation             (Rathedaung Township)
  230. Community Resources Center            (Rathedaung Township)
  231. May Yu Area Protection Association              (Rathedaung Township)
  232. University Education Supporting and Relief Org       (Rathedaung Township)
  233. Chungwa Relief Organization                        (Rathedaung Township)
  234. Mahiphthical Library               (Rathedaung Township)
  235. Mayu Tankhon Library         (Rathedaung Township)
  236. Shwe Thazin Women Leading Association    (Rathedaung Township)
  237. East Chin Literature and Cultural Association            (Thandwe Township)
  238. Arakan Social Network (South Magee District)         (Thandwe Township)
  239. Rakhita Thargi            (Thandwe Township)
  240. Chin National Literature and Cultural Org     (Thandwe Township)
  241. Pazan Myae Social Network   (Thandwe Township)
  242. Rakhita Relief Association     (Thandwe Township)
  243. Zalun Social Welfare (Thandwe Township)
  244. San Khung Social Welfare      (Thandwe Township)
  245. Mronpyin Social Welfare        (Thandwe Township)
  246. Arakan Woman Network        (Thandwe Township)
  247. Dwarawady Youth Charity Organization        (Thandwe Township)
  248. Arakan Woman Association   (Thandwe Township)
  249. Arakan Social Network)          (Thandwe Township)
  250. Laywaddy Rakhine Cultural Org (Gyitaw)      (Thandwe Township)
  251. Relief Association (Gyitaw)   (Thandwe Township)
  252. Monmyat Mettachin Blood Donation Club     (Thandwe Township)
  253. Yone Kyar U Library (Gyitaw) (Thandwe Township)
  254. Relief and Blood Dination (Mya Pyin)                        (Thandwe Township)
  255. Mya Thuta Library (Mya Pyin)            (Thandwe Township)
  256. Relief and Blood Donation Club (Lone Thar)  (Thandwe Township)
  257. Phyu Sin Metta Blood Donation Association(Ma Zin) (Thandwe Township)
  258. Village Development Organization (Gulf)     (Thandwe Township)
  259. Relief Association (Thabuchine)        (Thandwe Township)
  260. Village Development Association (Nanchung)          (Thandwe Township)
  261. Ngapali Beach Beauty and Development Org           (Thandwe Township)
  262. National, Race, and Religion Protection        (Thandwe Township)
  263. Rakhinta Arakan Youth Organization                         (Thandwe Township)
  264. Thandaw Beach Social Network        (Thandwe Township)
  265. Roma Wave Library    (Toungup Township)
  266. Variety Compassion Support Organization    (Toungup Township)
  267. Eastern Chin Organization      (Toungup Township)
  268. Forum Organizing Committee           (Toungup Township)
  269. Public Supporting Committee            (Toungup Township)
  270. Mother-Home Free of Charge Education (Toungup Township)
  271. Dawn Library   (Toungup Township)
  272. Arakan Social Network           (Toungup Township)
  273. Pyitinnhtaung (Biliken Doll)   (Toungup Township)
  274. Roma Thazin Charity (Toungup Township)
  275. National, Race, and Religion Protection Organization (Toungup Township)
  276. Disadvantage Relief Association        (Toungup Township)
  277. Dhama Adaipadi Library         (Toungup Township)
  278. Hospital New Ward Relief Organization       (Toungup Township)
  279. Hospital New Ward Young women and Men Association (Toungup Township)
  280. Khine Chay Village Relief Association            (Toungup Township)
  281. Khine Chay Young women and Women Association (Toungup Township)
  282. Lin Young Mon Youth Relief Organization     (Toungup Township)
  283. Chung Koke Relief Association           (Toungup Township)
  284. Taung Boke Tract Relief Association (Toungup Township)
  285. Kan Pine Relief Association    (Toungup Township)
  286. Kan Pine Donation Association           (Toungup Township)
  287. Thandwe Intersection Youth Donation Associaiton   (Toungup Township)
  288. Toungup Social Relief Committee     (Toungup Township)
  289. AD2030 Vision            (Sittway Township)
  290. NPGFA            (Sittway Township)
  291. CEAL                (Sittway Township)
  292. Rakhine Women Union (RWU)          (Sittway Township)
  293. Arakan Social Relief Organization     (Sittway Township)
  294. Rainbow Foundation              (Sittway Township)
  295. Rakhine Women Network (RWN)      (Sittway Township)
  296. Thazin Organization   (Sittway Township)
  297. Action for Green Earth (AGE) (Sittway Township)
  298. Rakhine Thahawa Organization         (Sittway Township)
  299. 88 Generation Social Development Organization     (Sittway Township)
  300. Arakan Affair Watchdog         (Sittway Township)
  301. Utopia                         (Sittway Township)
  302. Natural Resources for People Association     (Sittway Township)
  303. AHRDO            (Sittway Township)
  304. Beyond Knowledge Society    (Sittway Township)
  305. Thargi Mandine Literacy and Cultural Club    (Sittway Township)
  306. Women Skills Development Organization     (Sittway Township)
  307. Scholar Institute         (Yangon Division)
  308. Maykha Alin Youne     (Yangon Division)
  309. Thigaha Kan Lak Rakhita        (Yangon Division)

View the original.