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Urgent Appeal to the United Nations and International Governments

April 14th, 2020  •  Author:   International Arakanese Community  •  4 minute read
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Date: April 13, 2020 Letter No: 01/2020

We, the Arakanese community around the world, would like to appeal to the United Nations and international governments on behalf of the people in Arakan (Rakhine) state in Burma who are now subject of our deepest concern, facing humanitarian crisis, ethnic cleansing and unspeakable acts of genocide. Many of these crimes were perpetrated as part of widespread or systematic attacks against civilian populations and constitute crimes against humanity threatening to the peace and stability of the Arakan and beyond.

The situation in Arakan state, Burma has become increasingly threated by the most ruthless Burmese military regime in the world. The Burmese government and military regime are fully responsible for multiple human rights violations including daily bombing at villages, shelling, burning houses, looting properties, unlawful killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrest and tortures. There is terrible secrecy and silence over Arakan State in Burma.

The military abuse in remote ethnic areas that remain virtually unknown because of the severe restrictions including internet access imposed by the government attempted to cover-up deception. These atrocities and cruel attacks by the Burmese army on civilians are intolerable and a total violation of UN charter and international law. Despite international outcry the Burma government continued to silence media and purposely neglected the plight of victims. It is time that Burma’s military leaders and perpetrators of human rights violations are brought to justice and accountable for their crimes against humanity.

We are deeply concerned that Burmese government shutdown internet during the Coronavirus crisis and blindly supported ongoing bloodshed of war crimes and serious human rights violations remain unchecked in Arakan state. On April 13, 2020, military regime’s infantry 550 in Ponnaygun shells fired at center of Kyauk Site village that killed 12 civilians and injured many. The Burmese regime continued to bomb schools and public areas, and recently burned down villages including Tin Ma village in Kyauktaw township on March 22, 2020 and artillery-fire hit the school wounded 21 children in the village of Khamwe Chaung in Buthidaung township on February 13, 2020.

The Government must immediately end the restriction of internet and humanitarian aids, because humanitarian situation in Arakan state is alarming with thousands of people displaced from their homes, and more than 170000 Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) who are staying at worse conditions in the Arakan state. We publicly call on government to investigate crimes in the Arakan state, demand that military officials are held accountable, and make all efforts to restore rule of law, justice until end of war crimes in Burma.

We called on the United Nations and the international community to protect all communities from genocide and war crimes in Arakan state: We stand in solidarity with the bravery and heroism of our brothers and sisters as they faced down the brutal military dictatorship in Burma.

We urge to the United Nations and international governments to condemn the Burmese army, publicly call on government to investigate crimes in ethnic areas, demand that military officials are held accountable, and make all efforts to restore rule of law, justice until end of war crimes in Burma. We called for the United Nations and the international community to support suffering people in the following ways:

(1) strongly back a comprehensive global arms embargo against Burmese regime;

(2) immediately stop killing civilians, restore internet access and allow news media

(3) put diplomatic pressure on military regime and government to stop bombing and human-shield, war crimes in the Rakhine state and other ethnic areas.

(4) insist that the government and regime allow the NGOs and INGOs full access to civil war areas and provide immediate assistance to much needed victims.

We demand the Burmese government to investigate these abuses by the military force, identify specific unites involved, and takes effective measures to bring those responsible to justice, and immediately cease all attacks, violence, persecution, and all forms of human rights violations in Rakhine state and other ethnic areas. We stand in solidarity with the bravery and heroism of our brothers and sisters as they faced down the brutal military dictatorship in Rakhine state and all over Burma. We call on international community to support our struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights, justice and self-determination.

International Arakanese Community (IAC)

1. Arakan American Community (AAC)
U Thein Maung – Ph: +1 313 225 7720
Thein Tun Zan – Ph: +1 919 618 8505

2. Arakanese Community (the Netherlands)
Aung Than Win – Ph: +31 63 835 3099

3. Arakan Community (New Zealand)
Thar Sein Tun – Ph: +64 27 455 4227

4. Arakan Community (Denmark)
Oo Thein Hlaing – Ph: +45 42 43 1559

5. Arakan Community (Sweden)
Kyaw Hla Aung

6. Arakan Canada Community
Maung Sai – Ph: +1 778 877 9997

7. Arakan Youths Union-Japan
Kyaw Than Hlaing – Ph: +81 080 5539 2580

8. Arakan Community ( Norway)
Aung Mrin Soe – Email: [email protected]

9. Australia Arakanese Association(Cairns)
Thein Myint – Ph: +61 047 025 5292

10. Arakan Association (South Korea)
Aung Myo Thein – Ph: +82 104 230 8977