Press Release 515 Views

We Rohingya Want Restored Citizenship and Fundamental Human Rights

October 11th, 2019  •  Author:   Rohingya Youth for Legal Action  •  2 minute read

Cox’s Bazar Refugee Camp, October 11, 2019

Myanmar should urgently restore our Rohingya citizenship rights and provide us safety and security inside the country, said Rohingya Youth for Legal Action (RYLA).

On August 25, 2017 the Myanmar military committed genocide against our Rohingya people. The genocide is still ongoing. Rohingya fled violence to seek safety and security in Bangladesh. We are eternally grateful to the Government of Bangladesh for its hospitality. We Rohingya youth are now living in the world’s largest refugee camp.

We want Bangladesh to know we do not want to stay here. We want to go back to Myanmar with our fundamental human rights. Before we go back we want citizenship. Until then we will follow all the national laws in Bangladesh.

“We Rohingya refugees want to go back to our country Myanmar. We are not stateless. Our fathers and grandfathers were government officials and our people ran in elections. Now we are refugees and want to return to our original homeland in Myanmar as quick as possible with restored citizenship rights,” said the RYLA.

Myanmar should sart to make the situation better for Rohingya. The 2008 Consitution was created by the past military government. We the members of RYLA call on the Goernment of Myanmar to create a democratic constitution, amend the 1982 Citizenship Law and bring it in line with international standards.

“We don’t want to wait a long time for these changes. The National League for Democracy has the ability to change our situation and take action. We call on the Myanmar government to collaborate with Rohingya people to solve our problems together,” said RYLA.

For more information contact us:

Roshid, Executive Founder, Rohingya Youth for Legal Action (RYLA)

Mobile: +8801624-414867

Twitter: @Youth_RYLA

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