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Human Rights Council Session 42 – Statement of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on Myanmar – Item 2

September 17th, 2019  •  Author:   Kingdom of the Netherlands  •  2 minute read

Interactive Dialogue with the Fact Finding Mission for Myanmar

Mr. President,

The Netherlands aligns itself with the EU statement.

We would like to thank Mr. Durusman for the presentation of the final report of the International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. We express our deepest appreciation for the work of the mission over the past two years. Your work and the Independent Investigative Mechanism this council has established are important steps towards ensuring accountability.

We are shocked by your findings of gross violations of human rights in Rakhine, Kachin, Chin and Shan state, and by the disturbing report on sexual and gender-based violence. Accountability and restoration of survivors, including victims of sexual violence in conflict, is crucial for working towards rebuilding trust between conflicting parties and restoring peace. Accountability is also essential to prevent future violations.

We are deeply disappointed by the unwillingness of the Myanmar government to pursue accountability at the domestic level.  If the report of the International Commission of Enquiry (ICOE) fails to meet international standards, an opportunity for a credible national process will be lost. This leaves only international accountability processes to deliver justice. We reiterate our call upon the government of Myanmar and all other relevant parties to ensure full cooperation with the Independent Investigative Mechanism.

In view of the seriousness of the crimes committed, we urge Myanmar to become a party to the Rome Statute or to accept the exercise of jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, in accordance with Article 12 (3) of the Statute. We recall that the Security Council has the authority to refer the entire case of Myanmar to the ICC.

Mr. Durusman,

Many issues continue to deserve our attention, and we ask Myanmar to keep looking ahead. With this in mind, what would be your most urgent final advice to the international community looking to have a positive impact in Myanmar?

Thank you Mr. President

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