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Situation of human rights in Myanmar: Report of the Secretary-General

August 20th, 2019  •  Author:   UN Secretary-General , UN General Assembly  •  2 minute read


The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 73/264and covers the period from 22 December 2018 to 13 August 2019. It focuses on the role of the Secretary-General and his good offices towards alleviating the multifaceted crisis affecting mostly the Rohingya, but also other marginalized groups in Myanmar. In his report, the Secretary-General highlights the activities of his Special Envoy and her engagements with various stakeholders on a range of key areas such as the urgent need to address the underlying issues in Rakhine State, including through durable solutions and a credible accountability process. He also highlights that bilateral efforts between Bangladesh and Myanmar on voluntary, safe, dignified and sustainable repatriation efforts need to be supported by the implementation of the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State and of the tripartite memorandum of understanding of 6 June 2018 between the Government of Myanmar and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Development Programme. The important role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in supplementing these efforts at the regional level is also underscored. In his report, the Secretary-General also refers to the challenges facing national reconciliation efforts with ethnic groups and civilian protection concerns, as well as the need for unimpeded access for the United Nations and its partners to affected areas throughout the country, including in Rakhine. In addition, theSecretary-General, while highlighting efforts towards advancing the democratic transition in Myanmar, including in the area of rule of law, urges greater action on the part of all leaders against incitement and hatred. Ahead of the general elections scheduled for November 2020, the Secretary-General stresses the importance of promoting an electoral process that is widely inclusive, transparent and accessible so that it can serve as a nationally unifying event. He also highlights that freedom of speech is essential. Lastly, the Secretary-General notes that the continued role of the military in the political sphere in Myanmar remains an obstacle to democratic consolidation and encourages strengthened coordination between Myanmarand the United Nations.

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