Press Release 562 Views

INVITATION: Launch of Briefing Paper on the Amendment of the MNHRC Law

July 31st, 2019  •  Author:   Progressive Voice  •  2 minute read

The CSO Working Group on MNHRC Reform, composed of 24 civil society organizations, will be releasing a briefing paper outlining key recommendations to amend the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) Law in order to reinvigorate the MNHRC. The briefing paper highlight various issues with the MNHRC Law and areas where the MNHRC could be better equipped to protect victims of human rights violations as it is mandated to do. The release of the briefing paper is timely as the current terms of several prominent MNHRC Commissioners will come to an end in September 2019.

Where: Royal Rose Restaurant, 221/223 Shwegondine Road, Yangon

When: (Saturday) 3 August, 2019, 14:00pm

About the Working Group:

The CSO Working Group on MNHRC Reform was formed in 2019 and advocates for reform of the MNHRC so it is an effective, independent, and transparent national human rights institution that promotes and protects the rights of all people of Myanmar in line with the Paris Principles.


  • Aung Khaing Min, Executive Director, Progressive Voice
  • Aung Zaw Oo, Communications and Advocacy Director, Association of Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
  • Thet Thet Aung, Director, Future Light Center
  • Maung Saungkha, Executive Director, Athan

For further information please contact:

Aung Khaing Min, Executive Director, Progressive Voice. (09261009995) [email protected]

Thinzar Shunlei Yi, Advocacy Coordinator, Action Committee for Democracy Development. (09795574775) [email protected]

Download the PDF here.

Download the Burmese version here.