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Statement by Rohingya and Burmese Muslim Leaders on the 14th Islamic Summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation 30 May 2019

May 31st, 2019  •  Author:   Rohingya and Burmese Muslim leaders  •  2 minute read

The OIC’s vocal leadership and humanitarian assistance in support of the Rohingya and other Burmese Muslims has been crucial. But words alone will no longer cut it – the OIC must now turn its words into action.

We welcome The Gambia’s intention to pursue Myanmar through the International Court of Justice for the genocide they conducted against the Rohingya. Such a case will hopefully go a long way to helping stop the atrocities that continue to be committed against our people.

The Gambia and the OIC must work with other countries, as well as the Rohingya themselves, to ensure the strongest possible case is able to be established. We shudder to think how this brutal regime would capitalise on any failed attempt to deliver international accountability.

At the same time, we must recognise that the ICJ cannot actually put any military general or soldier with blood on their hands in the dock. The OIC must therefore use its summit in Makkah to also declare its support for a referral to the International Criminal Court and for additional options – such as an international tribunal – to be explored. Indonesia, as a member of both the UN Security Council and ASEAN, has a particularly important role to play in this – and our people are counting on President Widodo to step up following his reelection.

It is time for OIC countries to also take additional steps, such as adopting targeted sanctions against the Tatmadaw leadership including Min Aung Hlaing and military-owned companies.

* Jointly issued by Nurul Islam (Chairman, Arakan Rohingya National Organisation) and Tun Khin (President, Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK) from the Rohingya community, as well as Kyaw Win (Executive Director, Burma Human Rights Network) from the Burmese Muslim community, alongside leading Rohingya political activists in Burma (names protected for security reasons).