Statement 474 Views

Villagers in Hsaileng Village Tract, Hsipaw Township, Oppose Hydropower Dam Construction by UNIENERGY CO. LTD.

February 9th, 2019  •  Author:   Hsaileng residents  •  2 minute read

Villagers from Hsaileng, Peingsa and Sope Tung villages, in Hsaileng village tract, Hsipaw township, northern Shan State, oppose planned construction of a hydropower dam by UNIENERGY CO. LTD. on local rivers, and will not accept any promotion of the dam.

The company is planning to meet with villagers in Hsaileng village tract on February 11, 2019. U Myint Zaw, the company manager, has invited local villagers to join the meeting.

However, local villagers are refusing to join the meeting, stating that they don’t need the dam, and they will be the ones to suffer the impacts, so they will never accept the dam.

We, villagers, hereby declare we will not attend the meeting being held by U Myint Zaw and will oppose the plan to build the dam. We oppose any promotion of this dam, and unanimously express our desire that any meeting regarding the dam project is unacceptable.

UNIENERGY CO. LTD. is planning to build a dam where the Nam Ma and Nam Paung rivers meet. The company has twice visited the site; the first time was in 2017 and the second was in January 2019.



Sai Sar Lu                    +95 (0) 94 732 0606

Sai Thein Myint            +95 (0) 94 231 660 69

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