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Karen Communities Worldwide Welcomes UN Independent International Fact Finding Mission’s Call to Refer Burma to the International Criminal Court

August 30th, 2018  •  Author:   Karen Communities Worldwide  •  3 minute read

Karen communities worldwide welcomes Report of the Independent International FactFinding Mission on Myanmar (IIFFMM), which calls for the referral of Burma to the International Criminal Court for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes committed against Burma’s ethnic groups.

We are particularly pleased to see that Commander in Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing was named front and centre as “exercising effective control” over the direct perpetrators of these crimes. Foreign governments have so far avoided naming him as having command responsibility for crimes, and have only targeted his subordinate officers for sanctions.

On July 30th, 2018, Karen communities in Burma and around the world appealed for the international community to start taking meaningful action to end the systematic crimes of Burma Army (Tamataw). Having suffered for decades the same patterns of violations perpetrated in Rakhine, Kachin, Karen and Shan States, and recently, in Mutraw District of Karen State facing again new attacks and abuses, we deplore the international community refusal to act.

The UN IIFFMM report validates our repeatedly raised concerns that it is not yet safe for Karen refugees and IDPs to return to their homes, at the mercy of Burma Army (Tamataw) which continues to commit systematic crimes with impunity.  We, the Karen communities worldwide strongly call that the issues of refugees and IPDs return must not be considered until the safety and security are guaranteed.

“The UN IIFFMM report is a wake-up call to the international community that their engagement with Burma’s government and its military is a complete failure,” said Saw A Ganemy Kunoo, President of International Karen Organization (IKO) “Business as usual will mean complicity in genocide.”


Media Contacts: 

Mahn Orlando         +61470117004          (Australia)

Naw Wahkushee     +66 861182261         (Thailand)

Saw Greh Moo        +1 (252) 571-7634    (USA)

Slone Phan              +12042296613         (Canada)

Naw April Moo       +316 5022 3752       (European Union)


Endorsed by

1.Australia Karen Organization (AKO)

2.Demark Karen Organization (DKO)

3.European Karen Network (EKN)

4.Finland Karen Culture Association (FKCA)

5.International Karen Organization (IKO)

6.Karen Community Association – UK (KCAUK)

7.Karen Community of Canada (KCC)

8.Karen Community of Norway KCN)

9.Karen Grassroots Women Network (KGWN)

10.Karen National Community – The Netherland

11.Karen Organization of America – (KOA)

12.KPSN Rights Based Advocacy Group

13.Karen Swedish Community (KSC)

14.Karen Grassroots Women’s Network (KGWN)

15.Korean Karen Organization (KKO)

16.New Zealand Karen Association Incorporated (NZKA)

17.Karen Community of Toronto (KTC)

18.Calgary Karen Community Association (CKCA)

19.Karen Community of Leamington (KCL)

20.Karen Community of Winnipeg (KCW)

21.Karen Community of Regina (KCR)

22.Karen Society of Nebraska – Lincoln

23.Karen Community Society of British Columbia (KCSBC)

24.Karen Thai Group (KTG)

25.Oversea Karen Organization Japan (OKOJ)

26.Israel Karen Organization

27.Karen Community of Hamilton (KCH)

28.Karen Youth of Toronto (KYT)

29.Karen Association of Huron South Dakota (KAHSD)

30.Karen Community of Thunderbay (KCT)

31.Karen Community of Saskatoon (KCS)

32.Edmonton Karen Community Youth Organization (EKCYO)

33.Karen Community of Windsor (KCW)

34.Karen Environmental and Social Action Network  (Kawthoolei)

35.Karen Community of Kitchener (KCK)

36.Karen Community of London (KCL)

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