Press Release 651 Views

ARNO Welcomes the Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar

August 29th, 2018  •  Author:   Arakan Rohingya National Organisation  •  2 minute read

The Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) welcomes the Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar. The report acknowledges the continued and “systematic oppression” of the Rohingya people, the complicity of Myanmar Security forces and other actors in the continued violence that precipitated and directly caused the events of August 2017, in addition recognizes genocidal intent exists to warrant an investigation and prosecution of military officials within Myanmar.

The ARNO welcomes the recommendations made by the Mission which emphasizes the need for pursuing justice for genocide and crimes against humanity in addition calling upon state parties to engage Myanmar to change these practices which are a direct violation of international law.

The ARNO participated in the Fact Finding mission with a general communication to the panel emphasizing the need for justice and a submission concerning child rights violations. The ARNO hopes that other countries will follow suit and call the situation in the Rakhine by its true legal character, genocide and crimes against humanity.

The ARNO calls upon the Myanmar government to cease its continued denial of genocide and crimes against humanity and cooperate fully with UN institutions and other state parties to recognize the Rohingya of Burma as a legal ethnic group and afford us full citizenship status in our home country of Burma.

For more details, please contact:
Australia: Dr. Hla Myint + 61-423381904
Canada: Nur Hasim +1-519-5725359
Japan: Zaw Min Htut + 81-8030835327
U.K. Ronnie: +44-7783118354
U.S.A: Dr. Habibullah: +1-4438158609