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Burma Human Rights Guide

July 26th, 2018  •  Author:   Burma Campaign UK and Human Rights Foundation  •  2 minute read
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Burma has suffered under decades of brutal military dictatorships, military-backed governments and now an NLD-led government. It has long been considered one of the worst countries in the world for its history of human rights abuses.

People in Burma have been arrested for protesting against government abuse, against unfair wages, for asserting their rights to land, or for belonging to ethnic minorities, to mention just a few things. Women in Burma’s ethnic minority states have suffered from rape and sexual violence at the hands of the Burmese army. Journalists have been jailed, tortured, and even killed for what they have reported. This is not merely historical abuse; it goes on to this day in Burma.

In this human rights guide, the Human Rights Foundation (HRF), in collaboration with Burma Campaign UK, enumerates some of the fundamental rights that must always be respected. We then explain what each of these rights means in everyday life, give examples of how these rights are violated in Burma/Myanmar and invite people to form their own opinion about them.

This guide (in Burmese) contains an introduction to some of the most crucial human rights, and explains how consecutive Burmese governments have disrespected these rights. We also include the full Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are universal; they belong to everyone, no matter of race, religion, language, gender or wealth. Human Rights are also indivisible; there is no one right that is more important than another. Rights for some groups, like women or ethnic groups, cannot wait to a later date.

Download this report in Burmese Language HERE.