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Northern Burma Clash Account – December 2017

January 29th, 2018  •  Author:   Free Burma Rangers  •  3 minute read

Northern Burma 12-17

Throughout the month of December, the Burma Army has maintained its offensive in Kachin State and northern Shan State, with attacks against the Kachin Independence Army and other ethnic groups, focused in Mansi and Danai townships and near the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) headquarters of Laiza Town, Waingmaw Township. There have been more than 180 clashes, including 12 airstrikes, resulting in civilian casualties as well as destruction of civilian property. A summary by township is below, followed by collated statistics for the month of December.

Mansi Township

The Burma Army has been attacking with machine gun, mortar/artillery and an air bombing campaign in the southeast of Mansi Township near the border with Namkhan Township and within 15 km from the Chinese border. Many of the airstrikes and ground assaults are taking place at an east to west front-line around Nam Kha Bum, Nam Gat Hkaraw, Man Loi and Lahkra Daw villages and, on December 17, at least 33 villagers from Loi Yai were forced to flee to Nam Hkam Banglung IDP camp.

Danai Township

Much of the fighting in Danai Township is around the Oi Law and Lapu Hka frontline areas approximately 16 km southwest of Tanai Town. The Burma Army is employing machine gun fire, heavy mortar/artillery bombardments with hundreds of rounds used daily from 24-27 December and many airstrikes in and around these village front lines.

Laiza Town, Waingmaw Township

Laiza Town was pressured all December by the Burma Army with machine gun and mortar/artillery fire from Burma Army posts to the north, west, and southwest along the N’Tap Bum mountain range. The Lawa Yang front-line, approximately 10 kilometers to the southwest of Laiza, has had many skirmishes throughout December and is the last defense of the KIA between the Burma Army and Laiza.

Military Clashes / Battles – 181

Burma Army Jet (Attack) – 12

Burma Army Jet (Recon) – 5

Burma Army Helo (Recon) – 2

Burma Army Drone (Recon) – 8

Burma Army Killed – 12

Burma Army Wounded – 13

Burma Army Suicide – 1

Kachin Independence Army Killed – 2

Kachin Independence Army Injured – 12

Civilians Killed – 1

Civilians Tortured – 2

Civilians Wounded – 14

Civilians Forced Labor – 1

Civilians Property Destroyed – 1 House, 6 Vehicles, Village set fire, 3 boats, 1 house

Civilians Theft – The Burma Army confiscated 50 fuel barrels and 25 engine boats and ten motorcycles

Civilians Detainment (without reason) – 8

Displacement – 96 Villagers

***The figures above are limited to reports from FBR teams and do not represent the totality of military battles, supply, or human rights abuses perpetrated by the Burma Army.

Kachin State Townships Clash Accounts

Bhamo – 1

Chihpwi township – 1

Danai – 47

Hpakant – 11

Injang Yang – 2

Monyin – 3

Mogaung – 2

Momauk – 2

Mansi – 71

Waingmaw – 23

Northern Shan State Township Clash Accounts

KutKai – 7

Muse – 8

Manton – 3