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Position Statement on Unlawful Arrest and Killing of 3 Members of Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) Force and One Civilian

December 26th, 2017  •  Author:   United Nationalities Federal Council -Burma  •  3 minute read

It has been learnt that on December 20, 2017, the Tatmadaw (Burman Armed Forces) troops from a unit under Loikaw Regional Operation Command (ROC) seized the KNPP’s interim checkpoint at the 7th Mile Post, between Par Laung and Dawt Dacha villages, arrested 3 members of KNPP Force, who were on duty, one civilian, and inhumanly tortured and executed them. It has also been learnt that the KNPP’s interim checkpoint was set up by the KNPP Home Department in 2013 to check on the transport of illegal timber, reduce narcotic drugs trafficking and the life security of the people, in accordance with the bilateral ceasefire agreements at the State and Union levels, reached during the administration of U Thein Sein government.

The development of the incident is as follows: In the evening of December 19, 2017, members on duty of the interim checkpoint made a check on the government army trucks, returning from delivering supplies to border military camps and found in the trucks different kinds of timber and logs covered under dry firewood and bamboos, and though the trucks were released, troops from the Infantry Battalion 54, under the command of the ROC, seized the interim checkpoint at night time. The KNPP troops did not resist and though they met and offered to settle the matter peaceably, the government troops used force to capture the checkpoint and unlawfully arrested, tortured and executed the persons. We have learnt that when the KNPP officials made inquiry with the ROC officials, they received the confirmation that the corpses had been cremated by the government Tatmadaw and, on December 21, 2017, the bone urns were handed over to the KNPP officials.

This incident is the evil result of the fragile peace process. Accordingly, the UNFC has to propose seriously for setting up an independent and truly neutral ceasefire monitoring mechanism, together with the DPN’s 9-point proposal, for stabilizing the ceasefire and in order to establish lasting peace.

We are very much concerned for the loss of 3 members of the KNPP force and one civilian. We are saddened and distressed equally as the surviving family members, the KNPP Party and the Karenni Army. We, the UNFC honor and put on record the KNPP force’s 3 members, who had sacrificed their lives for the country and the nation, while faithfully carrying out the duties entrusted to them by the Party.
This incident can delay the work being undertaken to establish internal peace and damage also the trust gained through the dialogue between the two sides.

For that reason, we call on earnestly the government armed forces (Tatmadaw) to act without delay for the advent of a transparent investigation and justice.

Central Executive Committee
The United Nationalities Federal Council

U Twan Zaw – Central Executive Committee Member: phone + 66(0)81-680-8934
Nai Ong Ma-nge – Central Executive Committee Member: phone +66(0)92-849-7352, +95(0)9780098159

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