Press Release 393 Views

Royce Welcomes Admin’s Burma Determination

November 22nd, 2017  •  Author:   Foreign Affairs Committee  •  1 minute read

Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) issued the following statement regarding the administration’s declaration that Burma’s military actions against the Rohingya are ethnic cleansing:

“I am glad the administration is calling attacks against the Rohingya what they are: ethnic cleansing. In recent months, we’ve heard horrific stories of young Rohingya mothers torn from their burning homes, drowned children, and mass execution. Now the U.S. should impose sanctions against the Burmese military leaders responsible for this bloodbath.”  

NOTE: Last week, the Foreign Affairs Committee passed H.Con.Res 90, which condemns ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya and calls for an end to the attacks, immediate restoration of humanitarian access, and sanctions against individuals responsible for human rights abuses.

View the original press release HERE.