Press Release 532 Views

Press Release to Counter the Burma Embassy Statement

November 9th, 2017  •  Author:   Karen Organization of the United States of America  •  3 minute read

On November 6, 2017, nearly 10,000 Karen people gathered from around the United States for Karen Day in Washington DC. This was a historic day for this large gathering to have the courage to stand up against the brutal Burma Army, condemning their vicious human rights violations for decades targeting the Karen, Kachin, Shan, Mon, and others.

The Karen took a stand this day as leading the effort to stop the abuse for all ethnic nationalities in the Burma Region and met with congressional leaders, department of state, and agencies such as USAID asking for harsh sanctions against the Burma Army and its generals.

The Karen Organization of the United States received broad support in writing from Karen groups around the world, and from the Thai/Burma region.

On November 7, 2017, The Burma embassy in Washington DC released a statement declaring that the Karen Organization of the United States in no way was speaking on behalf of the Karen and other ethnic nationalities in their region, even claiming that the Karen and other ethnic nationalities in that area enjoy peace, security and democracy.

It is the position of the Karen Organization of the United States That this letter from the Burma embassy was used a propaganda in a strategy that the Burma government has used for decades, in deceiving the world, when most know the truth of their dirty deeds. More importantly, the Burma army controls the Burma embassy, and of courses ordered them to release this statement.

If the Burma embassy had not released a statement, it would have indicated they believed that Karen Day in DC was irrelevant. They released this letter because they know that the Karen Organization of the United States has stood up to them, and will take the lead around the world in helping the Karen stand up against all human rights violations for all ethnic nationalities. We also believe the Burma Army is afraid of harsh economic sanctions that we are seeking from the United States of American against the Burma Army and it’s generals.

Just after our event, the Burma police that is controlled by the Burma Army targeted Karen people that were resisting the Burma governments plan to build coal mines in their village, clearly posing a serious health risk to the Karen villagers. This is an example of how the Burma Army has stripped each ethnic region of their land, culture, religion, language, and dignity.

We will continue to stand against this horrendous Burma Army reputed with decades of corruption and human rights violations of the greatest magnitude.

Please find attached letters of support from organizations around the world that evidence the strong solidarity for Karen day in Washington DC on November 6, 2017.




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