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Security Integration in Myanmar: Past Experiences and Future Visions

July 12th, 2017  •  Author:   Saferworld  •  1 minute read
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Myanmar’s peace process has ignited a debate about the future of the country’s security sector and establishment of a federal system of government. This paper supports an inclusive and evidence-based approach to security sector reform in Myanmar.

In many conflict-affected areas in Myanmar, armed actors – including state armed forces, state-backed paramilitary organisations and ethnic armed organisations – have overlapping claims to territory and differing security roles. Understanding these arrangements will be crucial in achieving lasting peace.

This paper provides background information and analysis for the benefit of all those involved in or supporting the peace process. It will help contextualise the ongoing conversation by exploring previous experiences with SSR and the different visions major participants have for the future. In particular, the report looks at: Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy, the Myanmar Armed Forces (Tatmadaw), and Myanmar’s multiple ethnic armed organisations. It examines previous attempts at security integration, considers the current state of the political context and peace process, and reflects on the positions of those involved in the future structure and governance of Myanmar’s security sector.

Download full report in English HERE.

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