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Stop Coal Mining in Nam Ma

June 28th, 2017  •  Author:   Shan State Farmers’ Network (Nam Ma)  •  1 minute read
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In 2004, Ngwe Yi Pale Company began coal mining in Nam Ma tract of Hsipaw township. The mining has destroyed farmlands
and irrigation sources, and caused water and air pollution, impacting over 3,000 people. The Nam Ma villagers have been calling for a stop to the mining since April 1, 2016, but the company has continued expanding the mining area. In May 2016, the Burma Army carried out an attack in the area to clear out the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army, and protect the mining operations. Villagers were killed, arrested and beaten. Now, over a hundred trucks of coal are being transported out of the area each day.

The villagers of Nam Ma are urging the Burmese government to immediately stop the mining operations, which are damaging their farming livelihoods, environment and health.

Download full report in English HERE.

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