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Analysis of Myanmar’s Second Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong from a Gender Perspective

June 19th, 2017  •  Author:   Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process  •  1 minute read
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AGIPP would first like to congratulate and acknowledge all peace actors for successfully holding Myanmar’s 6 day Second Union Peace Conference 21st Century Panglong from May 24th-­‐29th, 2017. At the Conference, AGIPP’s partner organizations were invited to participate in the following roles: one representative for the parent organization (AGIPP); one representative as a facilitator; two representatives as observers from the CSO Forum; and, one representative as technical assistant of the party group totaling five AGIPP representatives in attendance. AGIPP’s other partner organizations supported in drafting this analysis paper.

Download full  analysis paper in English I Burmese.