Press Release 424 Views

World Refugee Day 2017 Celebration

June 14th, 2017  •  Author:   Karen Peace Support Network  •  2 minute read

The Karen Peace Support Network invites public, media, CSOs, NGOs, INGOs, UN agencies and Embassies to join them in celebrating World Refugee Day and Concern of Karen Refugees on Tuesday, June 20th 2017 in Orchid Hotel at Yangon, Myanmar from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm.

We urge you to show yours honour and sympathy as personal or organizational to refugees who are suffering severely from civil war along Thai-Burma border, in Myanmar and around the world since coming 2017 June 20th is the 17 rounds celebration of World Refugee Day.

On the day of celebration, representatives from Affairs Committee, organization working for Karen Internally displaced affairs and Karen Refugee Committee will lead a panelist discussion on the “Concerns of Karen IPDs and Refugee in Peace Process, short film on the current situation of IDPs in Thai-Burma border show, question and answer secession and release KPSN’s statement for World Refugees day.

The Karen Peace Support Network was formed in August 2012 and it is the largest network of Karen civil society organizations in Burma/Myanmar. Member organizations of KPSN have been providing supports for vulnerable communities in conflict-affected region for decades, striving to empower these local communities, building transparent and accountable institutions, and helping to create a sustainable and genuine peace in Burma/Myanmar.

Download this press release in English HERE.

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