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Myanmar National Human Rights Commission’s Report of activities for a (3) year period (2011 to 2014)

May 2nd, 2017  •  Author:   Myanmar National Human Rights Commission  •  2 minute read
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The establishment of the Commission

1. The Union Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar established the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission on 5 September 2011 underOrdinance No.(34/2001) comprising of a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary and Members totaling 15 persons in all, together with the mandate to promote and protect the rights of the citizens as enshrined in the constitution.

Activities of the Commission

2. With the approval of the cabinet, the MNHRC first temporarily established its office at the Office of the President’s advisors, situate at No. (51), Chindwin Road in Kamayut Township on 12 September 2011. The Commission’s office started functioning with a staff of 22 persons seconded from the President’s Office, the Office of the Union Government and Ministry of Home Affairs, from 26 September 2011.

Establishment of the Commission’s Office

3. The Commission shifted from its temporary office to the present locationNo. (27), Pyay Road, Hlaing Township (former office of Myanmar Language Commission) on 20 October 2011. The 15 members were housed in the Main Building which also consists of a meeting room, computer rooms and a guest room. The 5 Divisions of the Commission’s office were allocated the ground floor of the adjoining (2)storey building, the upper floor being occupied by MDRI. On the morning of 3 November 2011 at 05:30 hrs, an alms offering ceremony was held at the office to 5 monks including the Chairman or the SanghaNayaka Committee to officiate the opening of the office.

Download full report in English HERE.