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Planting the Seeds for housing land and property rights protection and peace in Myanmar

March 29th, 2017  •  Author:   Norwegian Refugee Council  •  2 minute read
Myanmar is undergoing fast, deep and multiple transitions in the economic, political and legal fields, including a peace process to end decades of civil wars. However, these complex and uneven processes are playing out at a slower pace when it comes to improving the protection environment for persons affected by conflict. It is therefore a key moment to plant the seeds for the restitution of housing, land and property (HLP) rights, as this will benefit the peace process, protection and development.

While some significant steps forward have already been taken and authorities have sought to improve the HLP situation after decades of “land grabbing” and forced displacement, much needs to be done to address the needs of the most vulnerable.

NRC in Myanmar, in co-operation with Displacement Solutions has recently developed three publications.