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Statement of the Ninth Congress of Women’s League of Burma

March 20th, 2017  •  Author:   Women's League of Burma  •  3 minute read

The Ninth Congress of the Women’s League of Burma, held from March 16 to 18, 2017, was attended by 67 people, including representatives from member organizations, members of the Advisory Board, members of the Secretariat and program coordinators, staff and observers.

The reports of the secretariat for the last two years — the eighth congress term — and financial reports were submitted to the congress. The representatives discussed and approved the reports, and revised the future plan of WLB in accordance with the current situation.

Furthermore, the Vision and Mission of WLB as proposed by the strategic workshop were approved: to work for gender equality, ethnic equality and to establish a federal democratic country. WLB’s aims are to focus on peace and justice, and to a establish federal democratic country through the advancement of women.
A Policy Board of thirteen members, one each assigned from member organizations, was formed to lead the policies agreed in the ninth congress. A three member secretariat was also elected from 13 members proposed by the member organizations.

During the ninth congress, representatives discussed and analysed the current political development of Burma, the Peace Process and political dialogue, the raging civil war in ethnic areas, lack of rule of law and the participation of women in decision making processes.

The war is continuing as there is no guarantee for the success of political dialogue and all-inclusiveness in the current peace process, which was started by the previous military government and is now being carried out by the National League for Democracy-led government. WLB is deeply concerned at the situation resulting from the escalation of fighting in Northern Shan State and Kachin State in 2017. The suffering of civilians, the majority of whom are women, including mothers and pregnant mothers, and the increasing number of war refugees are challenging the peace process.
The Women’s League of Burma strongly urges the Government, the Burma Army (Tatmadaw) and ethnic armed organizations, which are the major players in the peace process, to rectify  the peace process by starting a binding political dialogue which will lead to reduction of conflict and nationwide peace. The meaningful inclusion of women in all levels of the peace process must be guaranteed.

The future plans agreed in the Congress will be implemented by the elected secretariat with the support of policy board advisory members. The Women’s League of Burma reconfirms that we will work together with our alliances for the establishment of a federal democratic system which can bring an end to conflict and ensure sustainable peace.



Tin Tin Nyo                    (Policy Board Member)

(+66 (0) 81 032 2882

Naw Hser Hser                 (Joint General Secretary- 1)

(+66 (0) 81 387 3312 or +95 (0) 925 581 7092)

Maw Day Myar                 (Joint General Secretary- 2)

(+66 (0) 64 761 4559 or +95 (0) 94 2836 2407)

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