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Moving From Discrimination to Inclusion: Gender Perspectives on the Political Dialogue Themes

March 15th, 2017  •  Author:   Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process  •  1 minute read
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Along with the celebrations of International Women’s Day happening around the world, AGIPP is pleased to launch its second policy brief, ‘Moving from Discrimination to Inclusion: Gender Perspectives on the Political Dialogue Themes’. This policy brief gives reflections and recommendations from a diverse range of women at the grassroots level on the barriers that still exist around gender inclusion and women’s participation in public life in Myanmar. It also discusses solutions and offers suggestions to overcome those barriers.

As Myanmar takes its next steps in the peace process, bringing forward political dialogues in different states and regions, this second brief provides advice to those leading or participating in ethnic and topic-based Political Dialogues at union, regional and local levels to take action around gender inclusion.

Download full report in English I Burmese.