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Mountain of Trouble: Human Rights Abuses Continue At Myanmar’s Letpadaung Mine

February 10th, 2017  •  Author:   Amnesty International  •  1 minute read
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This briefing examines the current human rights situation at Myanmar’s largest copper mine, the Letpadaung mine. The operating company, a subsidiary of China’s Wanbao Mining, intends to extend the mine’s perimeter, putting hundreds of people at risk of forced eviction from their homes and farmland. The company has also failed to undertake an adequate environmental assessment of the mine, putting the safety of the neighbouring communities at risk. The risks are extremely serious as the giant mine is in a region prone to both earthquakes and floods. If either of these strike the mine, they could result in contaminated waste spreading into the surrounding environment with catastrophic results. In addition, the Myanmar authorities continue to use repressive laws to harass villagers who protest against Letpadaung and the nearby S&K mine.

Download the briefer in English HERE.