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Aerial bombing by Burma Army jets kills three villagers, injures seven in Kyaukme, northern Shan State

January 16th, 2017  •  Author:   Shan Human Rights Foundation  •  5 minute read
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Three civilians were killed and seven injured, including two women and a five-year-old child, when two Burma Army jets indiscriminately bombed Pang Mark Mur village, Kyaukme township, northern Shan State, on December 26, 2106.

On that day, at 8 am, troops of Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 506 staying at Wan Yawng Pang Hla village started firing shells towards the Loi Yean mountain area where the Ta’ang National Liberation Army was staying, about one mile from the village of Pang Mark Mur. The shelling lasted until 6.30 pm.

There are about 100 houses in Pang Mark Mur, with a population of over 300 people. The villagers were afraid when fighting broke out, and several families had gone to shelter in the house of a 70-year-old villager called  Lung Jeak Da. His house was larger than others, and villagers hoped they would be better protected there.

However, at about 4.05 pm, two Burma Army jets flew from Lashio, and began dropping bombs on the Loi Yean mountain area and also directly on the village of Pang Mark Mur.

A bomb landed directly on the house of  Lung Jeak Da, killing three men instantly, including  Lung Jeak Da, and injuring two women, one 5-year-old boy, and another man. A cow was also killed.

Three bombs landed around the village monastery, injuring four monks sheltering under the temple building. Apart from the monastery, altogether 16 houses in the village were damaged by the bombing.

Soon after the bombing, troops from LIB 506 entered Pang Mark Mur, and set up camp in the village. They ordered that the bodies of the three dead villagers be taken to be buried at Pang Larng cemetery that night. Some troops went with five male villagers and one female villager to bury the bodies at 7.30 pm. The troops did not let the villagers hold a proper funeral ceremony and invite any monks. The bodies were simply wrapped in mats and buried.

One of the monks phoned to a local Shan charity to send a truck to take the injured villagers to hospital. The truck left the village at 7.30 pm and arrived at Lashio Hospital early the next morning.  One of the injured women, 35-year-old Nang Khin Than Nu, lost her husband, Sai Ai Woon, and her father-in-law,  Lung Jeak Da, in the bomb attack. She has six children and is eight months pregnant. Her legs were badly injured by the explosion, and on January 6, her right leg had to be amputated.

Over 200 villagers fled to Kyaukme town after the bombing, where they took shelter in Nam Jet Lin Monastery. By the end of the first week of January, most had returned to their village. However, the Burma Army LIB 506 troops remain camped in the village, and several hundred troops from LIB 501 and 502 have also moved into the area.

01 16 2017 BA arial bombing in kyaukme eng


The villagers (all farmers) who were killed by the aerial bombing are listed below:

No. Name Age Details of bomb injury


 1  Lung Jeak Da 70 Hit in the body and legs
 2 Sai Ai Woon

(son of  Lung Jeak Da)

30 Hit in the head and hands
 3 Sai Ai Yong 30 Hit in the stomach


01 16 2017 Corpse of Lung Jeak Da killed by Burma Army aerial bombing01 16 2017 Corpse of Sai Ai Woon killed by Burma Army aerial bombing01 16 2017 Corpse of Sai Ai Yong killed by Burma Army aerial bombing

The villagers who were injured by the bombing are listed below:

No. Villager’s Name Sex Age Details of bomb injury
 1 Aye Leng F 20 Shrapnel hit her forehead
 2 Nang Khin Than Nu

(wife of Sai Ai Woon, who was killed by the bombing)

F 35 Shrapnel hit her legs; her right leg was amputated on January 6, 2017. She is 8 months’ pregnant, and has 6 children aged 1 to 14, but is now widowed
 3 Sai Kawn Nguen (son of Aye Nu) M 5 Shrapnel hit his right shoulder; is now recovering after being operated on
 4 Sai Ai Aung M 37 Shrapnel hit his leg and right hand; now recovering
 5 Sao Jarng Pung Nya (monk) M 26 Shrapnel hit his forehead and hand; stayed in hospital one night
 6 Sao Jarng Kemeda (monk) M 33 Shrapnel hit his back; stayed in hospital one night
 7 Sao Jarng Kaling Da (monk) M 37 Shrapnel hit his left hand; left hospital on Jan 4, 2017


01 16 2017 Nang Khin Than Nu injured by Burma Army aerial bombing  01 16 2017 5 year old child injured by Burma Army aerial bombing 1

The list of buildings and property damaged by the bombing is below:

No. Name of owner Inhabitants Damaged items Value of damage


1 Monastery 3 monks,

16 novices

Meal hall, 2 water tanks, kitchen,


20 million kyat
2  Lung Jeak Da 5 pers Roof, wall of house

Household items

1 motorbike

1 cow died

1 cow’s leg injured

Paddy 250 “Ting”

Machine costing

3 Sai Maung Aye 5 pers Roof, wall of house 6 million kyat
4 Pa Aye Nay 3 pers Roof, wall of house 5 million kyat
5 Pa Aye Mung 2 pers Roof, wall of house, kitchen 5 million kyat
6 Pa Aye Ni 4 pers Roof, wall of house 3 million kyat
7 Sai Ai Woon 8 pers Roof, wall of house 3 million kyat
8 Sai Ai Ba 5 pers Roof, wall of house 3 million kyat
9 Lung Aung Kyaw 8 pers Roof, wall of house, kitchen 2 million kyat
10 Sai Maung Maung 4 pers Roof, door, window of house 600,000 kyat
11 Pi Win 2 pers Roof, wall of house 500,000 kyat
12 Lung Lung Bee 3 pers Roof, wall of house 300,000 kyat
13 Sai Seng Kharn 7 pers Roof, wall of house 300,000 kyat
14 Sai Sarng Bee 8 pers Roof, wall of house 300,000 kyat
15 Sai Win Myint 4 pers Roof, door, window of house 200,000 kyat
16 Lung Sein 7 pers Roof, wall of house 200,000 kyat
17 Lung SanTo 1 pers House window 100,000 kyat


01 16 2017 Damage to Pang Mark Mur Temple from Burma Army aerial bombing01 16 2017 Cow of Lung Jeak Da killed by Burma Army aerial bombing


Sai Hor Hseng                    +66: (0) 62- 941-9600      (English, Shan)

Nang Lawnt Lieng            +66: (0) 63-838-9029       (English, Burmese)

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