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How communitv-driven are CDD projects in Myanmar?

August 29th, 2016  •  Author:   IFI Watch Myanmar  •  1 minute read
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The National Community Driven Development Project (NCDDP) was created by the World Bank with the objective of assisting the progress of development in Myanmar through a people-centered approach. Central to the goals of this project is its “community-driven” nature. The end results are not envisioned to be solely a school or a road, but rather a shift in the way community needs are identified and addressed. But if the people that this project is intended to benefit and empower are not able to participate fully, then the project is not “community-driven” and warrants a test if the Bank meets its stated goals. As a lender, bound by its safeguards and transparency requirements, the Bank has a responsibility to ensure adequate oversight so that what is said on paper matches what is happening on the ground.

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