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HURFOM conducts FDI study to halt exploitation and violation in Mon State

July 30th, 2016  •  Author:   Human Rights Foundation of Monland  •  3 minute read

Today the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) releases Examining Foreign Direct Investment in Mon State, Burma’, a report focusing on the effects from the recent surge of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) coming into Mon State, Burma.

This report will discuss the different and complex ways in which FDI influences and changes the lives of local people, not only changes in agriculture but also how they have to adjust their way of life. FDI cripples their livelihoods, physically and mentally, changing Burma’s minority ethnic communities.

Research for this report was conducted from January to June 2016. During this 6 month period, 4 field reporters mainly focused on Kyaikmayaw Township and Ye Township, visiting these areas 15 times in 6 months. The field researchers also visited Moulmein Township, Kyaikhto Township, and Paung Township in order to collect broader fact-finding information and evidence relating to FDI and the impacts.

The report contends that FDI has been causing a lot of instability and insecurity for the local populations in Mon State. Many villagers have expressed their concerns about new projects developing, especially those that will use coal-fired power. It is clear that local people accept FDI; however, there should be transparency and compensation in full.

Nai Aue Mon, Program Director of the Human Rights of Monland (HURFOM) draws attention to the impacts of FDI in Mon State, saying,

“We need investment, but only the ethical investment which known as sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible investments for our people. However, by looking the results of the field works, we can say that the positive effect is hard to quantify but the negative consequences of the projects are enormous. Many researches showcase that the rights of our people are not respected by the investors and people are not fortunate enough to be everyone who benefit from the FDI, instead, they are facing serious hardships for their living. Hence, we aim to share this finding to the public, highlighting the negative impacts of the current FDI circumstances to help seeking solutions for the affected communities in Mon State. We are looking forwards to get back to a level of responsibility from both the investors and the government.”

HURFOM concludes that with the help of this research project and the incumbency of the new democratic government, hopefully the abuses will slowly become less.

For more information:

  • Domestic Media (Myanmar Language)

Name – Nai Byuu Har Monday

Position – Documentation Team Leader, Human Right Foundations of Monland – Burma

Phone – 09255803274

Email – [email protected]

  • Domestic Media (English Language)

Name – Min Banya Oo

Position – Documentation Team Member, Human Rights Foundation of Monland – Burma

Phone – +959788871992

Email – [email protected]

  • International Media and other relevant individuals

Name – Nai Aue Mon

Position – Program Director, Human Rihgts Foundation of Monland – Burma

Phone – +959776228040

Email – [email protected]